The Right for a Prettier Frontier.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AncientTower, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. Does the community feel as if the frontier near spawns have been decimated beyond repair. I don't feel that it's beyond repair. But I just keep looking around and wondering why hasn't this been fixed. Each time I wonder that. I realize the same answer pops up. Because it would just get griefed again. Now I know back in the beginning we didn't have a waste to mine we only had the wild. If I'm up on my EMC history. Some days I feel like clearing sections and /buildmode a new garden for all to enjoy. We as a community need to go out there and fix this war zone. When new players join and go straight to the /wild. They see the destruction and figure this is a non resetting server and start mining material. Making it even worse then it was before. Do you know I've found many spawn rooms that have had the spawners destroyed near spawn. We could have such wonderful grinders close by. I guess that not in the cards. Come on older players.... What happened back then. I feel like everyone just a grief party and now morning has come and it's time to clean-up but it's so much. Nobody knows where to star or how to fix such a mess. I hope when the new outposts get updated in the frontier that we can keep those in much better condition than out predecessors.
    ForeverMaster, 607, Jelle68 and 3 others like this.
  2. We ran a test and did repair the spawn areas substantially. It's not that they 'would' be greifed again, it's that they 'were'.
    The new outposts have a feature in them to remind players to only mine for resources in the wastelands, but it's up to the community to protect the 'environment' of the area. Ease of access is very likely going to attract players that, regardless of giant holograms in their face and chat messages, will mine for resources in the Wilderness. You can bring a horse to water, but you can't force them to drink.
    ForeverMaster, Kephras, 607 and 8 others like this.
  3. my two cents on this...I too thought that the frontier looked trashed when I first started a little over a year ago. My frequent spawn area was /wild s on SMP5. So I simply took it upon myself to rebuild parts of it. All the dirt I got from clearing my res went to rebuilding the area around spawn. Now...there's alot of dirt in a res, but when it comes to rebuilding a takes alot more. So after a few weeks, the area I'd worked on looked hugely better, but it was just a small part of the whole.

    I ventured back there a number of times - last was maybe 3 weeks ago. And except for a few creeper rebuild was pretty much untouched. I did my best to scope out underground tunnels to see if they went somewhere or were mines. If they went somewhere, I built entrances into my rebuild. If they were just mines, I would either fill em in, or just cover over the entrances.

    I've acquired a rather large amount of stone, and another res worth of I've been thinking of doing this again. I'm glad to see others taking steps to improve the look of spawns. But from would take dozens of people weeks or even months to rebuild em to the point where few would want to tear em up again.
    I'm thinking this time of simply building some sort of monument. Use /buildmode on the majority of it, but leave the bottom layer open for breaking. Maybe encourage players to dig down...instead of destroying the surface landscape.

    Aight...closer to 20 cents worth...but there ya have it.
    Equinox_Boss and AhsokaTower like this.
  4. The new outposts? You mean the ones that are waaaay out? So is this actually a thing that's gonna happen? I ask becacuse it was teased to us... over a year ago?
    AhsokaTower and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. I am referring to NW, NE, SW, and SE ones that are 1 million out. The others will follow, as needed and per future updates. I have only smp9 and utopia to finish up, then it's just activating them on Aikar's end with a code deployment. We'll make a post on the front page when it happens.
  6. I like your Idea, you know what, I think I actually am going to make all around smp1's center look good, If there is someone who does it for every server, we would be finished in no time :)
    ForeverMaster and AncientTower like this.
  7. I agree. The wilderness spawns need to be reset frequently. You can actually see where the spawn ends in the wild, because the natural terrain ends and the griefed areas begin
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  8. The issue comes with the fact that since it is otherwise protected, it does not last long.

    Why not clean it you yourself? That's what I did on smp6. I even made a custom biomedical to look epic.
    AhsokaTower likes this.
  9. This is what I have been doing the past hour:
  10. a tip would be to ensure you use cobble up until just before the grass, so that if a creeper blows, the impact isnt as great.
  11. Personally, when repairing terrain I've always favored the "lake->lava->stone" approach, coated with topsoil. It's very efficient... though I do remember an instance where repeated lava dumping got a mod's attention. :oops: