[Giveaway / AMA] Win a rupee for every like I got :P

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Jan 27, 2017.

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  1. Hi gang!

    If I had a rupee for every like I got... Guess what? Now you can!

    You guys are such a trouble sometimes :p Here I was enjoying myself and my rupee amount which, amazingly enough, managed to sustain itself around 100k. I knew something was going to happen, it always does :D And of course... During the middle of a Frontier expedition (super hyped about that one, more info to follow soon!) suddenly 'someone' told me "u got 15 likes!". That seemed a bit off, but, ok... turns out: ayups. fifteen thousand likes :eek:

    I can't ignore that! :cool:

    Fortunately for me my alter-ego agreed to chip in a bit, unfortunately for me someone else spoiled things a little bit by liking some more of my posts! :confused: (just kidding guys! I'm loving it! ;)).

    So instead of being able to win 15k rupees you'll now have to do with 15,047 rupees :D

    How to enter? Good question! Hadn't thought of that yet :D

    Post here on the thread (obviously), pick a number between 0 - 255 (the maximum amount of vault pages) and optionally ask me anything :p

    Hope you'll have fun!

    The official stuff: you can win 15k, 15,002, 15,016, 15038, 15047 rupees. Pick a number, random.org will decide the grand winner. I'll draw numbers upcoming Monday morning (EMC time). 30th of January.

    • 5 - Equinox_Boss
    • 7 - FalloutHood55
    • 11 - PineappleGem
    • 14 - EmpireMall
    • 17 - Sachrock
    • 25 - NuclearBobomb
    • 36 - Carbonyx
    • 44 - GeneralWillikers
    • 38 - TomvanWijnen
    • 67 - Scarmanzer
    • 77 - Skeletin007
    • 120 - jjhhgg100123
    • 127 - 607
    • 128 - nltimv
    • 144 - Duckne
    • 150 - CallumDAKing
    * Last entry

    And thanks a bunch for all the positive feedback guys, you're the best!
  2. Just my type of giveaway!
    Number 5 please!
    Do you like this?
    Raaynn, ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  3. 150
    also i thought this was a thread that said that you will pay for the likes that you get.. was going to say pay me for the 200 likes xDDDDD
    Raaynn, ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. 144 please C:
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  5. 67
    What's your favorite part of EMC?
    Raaynn, ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. Haha, nice!
    127, please! :)
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss and nltimv like this.
  7. 128 please :)
    Raaynn, Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  8. Number 17 please :D
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. Obviously! :) Ony happy customer down, hopefully a few more to go ;)

    There's an idea! :D

    Well, that's actually two-fold.

    The community is awesome in my opinion. I see evidence of this so many times... So there was this player who played on a shared account and some nasty "stuff" happened. I learned of that by accident and being a member of GRIP I figured that there might be something we could do. Yeah, about that... I wasn't alone in my thinking ;) Yesterday I met up with the player who insisted I'd come visit them on their residence. They just had to show me how several other players also chipped in and now they had enough to actually (re)build their stuff!

    And we were talking decently expensive blocks here.

    Moments like that I can only think about what an awesome community I'm a part of.

    BUT... I also like the way the server is being run equally. Sure, there maybe some things I don't necessarily agree with, but in the overall I think it's safe to say that everyone should be able to have a good time here. I really believe that 'play your way' is much more than a marketing phrase :)
  10. Lucky number 7 plzzz. Can I have a supporter voucher plz? :D
    Raaynn, ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. Congratulations on 15,000 likes! :D I'd like number 38, please. :) As for a question... which number would you pick? ;)
  12. 11 .. what is your favorite color?
    Raaynn, ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. 14 Do you like Halloween or The Leprachaun day (I forgot the official name) more?
    Raaynn, ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. Absolutely. Just visit the supporter page and I'm sure they can help you there :D

    OR... If you manage to gain access to mine or Aya's prize room during my upcoming anniversary event then you'll have a chance to win an iron support voucher. This event is coming soonish. I'm making progress: right now I'm almost done designing something in creative (single player). Once I'm done I plan to make a schematic out of it, which I can then easily rebuild on the Empire using schematica (which can show me a ghost example so that I know what blocks to place). This is going to be so much helpful!

    The winning number of course! ;)

    Nah, I usually go for 42.

    Depends. In-game its lime green. For my living room its (light) brown and in general (cars, bikes, etc.) it's (light) blue / gray.

    I like neither, also because both events aren't really a thing here. Also the main reason I didn't really bother with the trick or treat event last year, even though I really think the staff did an amazing job (I did explore Halloween town and really enjoyed some of the hidden jokes and secrets).
  15. 36 pls :D
    Raaynn and Equinox_Boss like this.
  16. Small bump, also last bump, tomorrow I'll draw the winner :)
    Raaynn, 607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. 120, the number of likes I have... :(

    Question time:

    Which comment/post do you think has gotten you the most likes?
    Raaynn, ShelLuser, 607 and 1 other person like this.
  18. 44 please ty for doing this man, what was your first build on emc
    Raaynn and ShelLuser like this.
  19. What is your favorite holiday for downtime?
    I will take 77 please :p
    Raaynn, ShelLuser and CallumDAKing like this.
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