What is your favorite promo (and why)?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Jan 24, 2017.


Promo's on the Empire...

Poll closed Feb 21, 2017.
We need more promo's! 15 vote(s) 55.6%
There's plenty of promo for everyone. 7 vote(s) 25.9%
It's. too. much! 1 vote(s) 3.7%
What is this promo you speak off? 0 vote(s) 0.0%
What came first: the promo or the promoter? 4 vote(s) 14.8%
  1. Hi gang!

    We all know the many promotional items which exist on the Empire, right? If you don't (for example because you're new): these are special items created by the (senior) staff and are usually given to us players to celebrate some kind of event or happening. See the /promo command. For example the "reindeer promo's" like Dancer, Dasher and Prancer which are given out during the Holiday season. The Holiday candle, same period. The Empire fireworks, usually given out to celebrate the new year or Independence day. And so on...

    For some of us these items are a good source for rupees, if possible you buy into them heavily and often you even get to sell them for twice the money you paid, or more! :eek:

    But for others these are items to collect. This will become especially inviting when dealing with something which gets released on an annual basis. For example: for some reason I started to take a liking to the Empire fireworks, and right now I got the whole set; from 2013 (first release) to present.

    SO.... Do you collect promo's and is there something you're very proud off? What promo(s) is/are special to you?

    Here's my story... (not asking you to tell a story, just share your favorite promo, this is just me being me :D):

    The Dirt Destroying Ticking Tock...

    One of the first things I did when I started playing on the Empire was to get myself a clock. Simply because I use these very often when I'm out mining. So when I learned about the existence of a soulbound clock I knew that I wanted to have it! Now, you got to realize: back then we didn't have /shopworld with a nice cozy buy sign. We had to ask staff for it (scary! ;)).

    Then I learned that one of the rare drops from Momentus was none other than... you guessed it. Heck, and I saw this to be true when I fought Momentus with a friend of mine; we got a clock out of it! Now, because he collected promo's and had a whole promo wall I decided that he should get the clock so that he could hang it up. If I wanted to look at it I could always visit.

    I tried... Hard. I usually fought Momentus on difficulty 8, with voters gear, and believe me: that can be frustrating sometimes :D

    So then another friend of mine shows up, goes out into the waste, finds Momentus, fights & kills it on difficulty 4 (!! I kid you not!) and gets... whaaaaaa?!

    So unfair! :p Yeah, rub it in Aya :D

    Fortunately for me another friend of mine from smp3 learned of this news and decided that the evil reign of Aya should come to an end (ok, that sounded a little overly dramatic ;)). Anyway, they got me a DDTT for Christmas last year and that is by far my favorite promo.

    No kidding: I'm literally taking this with me everywhere I go. Whenever you see a clock in my inventory in one of my screenshots then you're seeing a DDTT. The DDTT from last years Christmas!
    Sgt_Pepper4, Kytula, Sealeon and 11 others like this.
  2. I've collected quite a few promos. If I were to consider one my favorite it would be the Labor Bench since I use it regularly. Although Voter's items are not considered promos, they are what I have used the most of all my special items here.
  3. I appreciate the little things and must say that the Maxarias head might be one of my favorites. On it's release I must've used that thing every time I went to the nether. It was a god send at the time, unfortunately now that I'm a bit carefree in my gaming I rarely leave town unless it's to gather things from my wild builds.
  4. We all know Aikar's favorite is the Cupid's Bow.
    Mine is probably the same. It's just too much fun! :)
  5. The avalauncher is pretty awesome, it's just a fun thematic item that people can mess around with!

    I also really like the ability to spawn snow golems in town with the blizz ard parts. :)
  6. I wasn't aware of the Maxarian Head's right click function. I may have a new favorite soon.
  7. A piece of a pyramid, it was one of the things I had that was ultra rare, but lost. I cri evry time
  8. Maxarias head. Gives u fire resist so you can swin in lava in the waste/frontier
  9. Super dragon poop. It smells like beef stew.
  10. Labor Bech for me, I mean, it's really usefull when you're building on big projects and need a ton of slabs, you can just keep the blocks in your inventory so that you haven't got to walk back and forth to the place you're building (or Torches, just keep logs and coal in your inventory)

    It's not the promo I'm proudest of by the way, that are the two diamond supporter gifts (not the vouchers, the gifts, with "redeem to justinguy" on it) Tomvanwijnen and I own. it feels so good to own an item that's worth more as the promo colection I started with at the moment I started collecting them...
  11. For me it's also the Labor Bench - as a collector I'm not much of a promo user, but I have used the Labor Bench, and very much liked that. :)

    It's not JustinGuy, but IcecreamCow and Maxarias. :p
  12. My favourite promo has to be the ICC eggnog since it's from ICC himself (and, well, it's worth a ton :p)
  13. I hate to be that guy, but... I hate promos. As a concept, at least.

    I am, however, a fan of the Headless Horseman's Axe.
  14. Theres a 2012 firework >: P
  15. Valens, anyone else for then unkillable horse?
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  16. I don't usually use horses as most of my outposts/wild builds are within minecart distance and horses aren't particularly useful when building. Also I only ever go to the wastelands (if I go at all) for quartz ore. :p
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. Horse races are fun, i use horses alot mostly cuz ya dont need to build a minecart rail with them
  18. Oddly enough, labor bench. Don't need to place it and break it, handy for compacting redstone/lapis/coal so I can take more from the ground when mining.
  19. You're right, that's the one I refer to :) Thing is; it got released in 2013 and for some reason I always call it 2013 instead of 2012. The promo itself says 2012 of course (mint green name, not encased (like **, ##, etc.) and not soulbound :)).
  20. My favorite promos are the Fireworks I love seeing them go off.
    ShelLuser likes this.