Old Res' went derelict...

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Gibabyte, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. It's the end of an era for me... I got careless and let my residences go derelict. Here is what remains:

    Just thought the road looked funny.
  2. You got to admit though... that's a pretty wicked wall.
  3. I can just imagine what sort of convos would be had if two different people got the resses on either side.
  4. I'm sorry to hear that. Yeah, the derelict timer can be nasty sometimes.

    Now, this won't bring your residence back but may I offer you a (one time only) free backup of all your (current) residences? See here for the official service thread. So what this basically would do is get you a singleplayer savefile which contains all your residences. So that you can never fully lose them again.

    Don't worry, you don't have to decide here and now, I'm also ok with it if you want to postpone taking me up on my offer until you're better settled again. Offer remains valid until EMC upgrades to the next Minecraft version (whenever that will be). Simply because I cannot guarantee that I'll still have all the required mods available by then.

    Do me a favor though: if you do plan to take me up on my offer in a few months time then also send me the link to this post or thread as a reminder. Just to be sure :)
  5. Nah, I have my reses saved in single player mode myself somewhere... I use started using schematica to build all my major builds a few years ago from something I make in a creative single player server with worldedit to help me. Thanks for the offer though!

    I also have a few worlddownloader saves of most of the SMP 2 town from a few years ago, so I use that whenever I am feeling nostalgic, haha.
    ShelLuser likes this.