I just wanted to comment while I think it is cool to utilize the Alphabet in place of numbered cases, there seems to be 2 "k's" in the pic, and the letter "U" is missing. Not sure if this is an oversight, or those villagers don't know their ABC's. Interesting game though, good luck to the host and players. KnightZer0ne Tempered Outpost Founder
I'm the one who is in charge of replacing the letters. >.> Anyway. The cut off point is here. I am now drawing a name and fixing my the villagers' mistake.
I might as well add you in now. No harm in doing so (not for me at least). Now I am drawing the name.
Based on random draw, the next contestant is... FDNY21, please choose a Shulker Box to keep with you.
Although the odds of M being 1r are 1/26, the odds of M being 1r twice in a row are 1/676. If you had to choose one case a day, that would only happen once every bit less than two years. (Choose M)
Do the previous number and letter combination really affect the probability of the current number and letter combination? I think I agree picking M would be a safe bet, but that's saying that by flipping heads once you less of a chance of flipping it again.
Woot! Well I could choose M but I'm not just going to repeat what everyone else is doing. First letter of my in-game name is F, so I'll go for F please!
I don't think I get this game yet, but I'll probably come to really understand it when I see it play out!