smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. yes i am
  2. PLEASE, use the edit button....
  3. He's 8 give him a break xD
  4. Haha anxious little one aren't you, well welcome to the community
  5. Yes. I think you mean the sections I made very early after getting donated a lot of rails and esp. powered rails by beamer. So I put them down. All the people working on the railway system can replace the powered ones that are not needed there with regular ones. No need to waste the powered ones really. They are there because in the very early days I actually had more powered ones than regular ones available. ;)
  6. Stats for this thread at the time of this post. This makes us the most replied to thread on this forum section. And the views relative the the age of the thread are top too. Not that is has to be proven but this also shows what an active community we have become. Thanks again for all who make this place what it is and on to a great future :D
  7. After 4:00 pacific time pm. Tomorrow
  8. the problem is its a really big village full of ppl. finding minerals is gonna be hard
  9. Haha you say that but it's quite easy getting materials I know at I've found at 4 regular caves and 2 massive caves untouch of right now and that's only within 100-200 area of the town. So yea getting materials is just going out and start mining it..:)
  10. Well... i have just these - " economic stuff " in my head like - we should have a Capital ( Last Light Outpost ) and then we should have Farm " village "
  11. You have a stuffed head what? ;)
  12. Like Dwight said. Getting mats is not hard at all.
  13. I wanna join the capital and rule the 12 districts! :p
  14. Haha sounds like good idea but we have umlimited food, logs, and cobble sources, just only thing really left is mining materials "iron, gold,diamond, lapis, redstone." if want them finding a cave out there is like finding a bowl in the community lol
  15. Sorry - i apologize my leftovered " speech " - i got distracted by girlfriend she wildly appeared and i was stunned

    In here i mean that The Last Light Outpost should be capitalized ( including Jungle as a Living space that panda and... uh people are allowed to live in )

    We could just state it as a capitol and change nothing but these districts - and then we could make remote " outposts, villages, towns etc. " ( including mining caves and logging camps ) around it

    Capitol would be center of common affairs and could be managed by City Council - like the uh... creators or common people that would handle these " griefered things " and would update the Last Light Outpost site :)

    ---- quick note ---- Could is my way to think, no need to agreed and criticism will be accepted - dont just be too harsh :)

    I will make small text map
    Mines -------- Mines --------- Logging Camp ------------ Logging Camp ---------
    Side Shiz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Side Shiz
    Side Shiz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Side Shiz
    Side Shiz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Capitol Area Wub Wub xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Side Shiz
    Side Shiz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Side Shiz
    Side Shiz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Side Shiz
    Side Shiz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Side Shiz
  16. Hopes you got my meaning, i will be explaining it in EMC outpost tommorrow :)
  17. i don't get what you mean with that text-map