What are Your Dream(s) in Life?!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by DorianPavus_, Nov 2, 2016.


Which one is better?

Manga 2 vote(s) 28.6%
Anime 5 vote(s) 71.4%
  1. Hello Everyone!

    I have gathered you all here to talk about what you dream(s) about wanting in life and things you want to accomplish. I personally really want master playing the violin as good as Taylor Davis, Go to a anime convention, Get my book published, Actually be good at math :/, Get my online art recognized, and be a famous youtuber. I have many dreams of things I wish I had and could do but these are the most important ones to me. What are yours?!
    607 and Kytula like this.
  2. Can you add an option for I don't know the difference?
  3. i want a life
  4. Dreams, they're an odd and mystical thing. I've dreamt of many things, terrible and amazing. I dream one day of a world where we may live as we all choose to live. A world where we may do whatever we do and not be mocked or laughed at, lest it harm another. Yet that is simply a dream, a wish you may say and as we all know it is foolish to believe that something like that could happen so rightfully so.
    607, Lordess_Spartan and xxcapmanxx like this.
  5. same
  6. The dream I wish oh so dearly for myself; clarity, happiness, gratitude.
    But what difference would it make if I did not work for it.
    One day I could be the pathetic sap I know myself to be, and suddenly gain what I desired the most, but it would not make a difference, yes I have gotten what my mind had looked up to until that point, something I have, nothing for it to represent. The lack of accomplishment is what always gets me. I end up finding myself in a worse position that I was before without something I once wanted.
    The lack of accomplishment in my life drags me down further into the abyss of confusion and depression. My true dream is a sense of purpose, a reason to put in some effort, so I could conclude a day knowing that my efforts will help me accomplish something.
    Wish me luck c:
    Kytula and cowland123 like this.
  7. I dream that next election we will have a candidate I actually want to vote for.
  8. I feel you

    Also.. My dreams is just to have a awesome life
  9. Goals: Master coding, get more exercise (doing terribly about that lol), make more good friends.

    Dreams: Found a historical unincorporated area where some of my grandparents live, help end bullying, make the world a better place, and help many people improve their lives.
  10. Hm...
    Goal: Play my role in God's kingdom.
    Dream: Find out what that role could be.
    Kytula likes this.
  11. Get a job.
    Get a Celtic ring.
    Learn German.
    Do my A Levels and actually do well in them.
    Get a tattoos. I want a skull with a top hat and a pipe on my left collarbone. I want a dragon - drawn in a Celtic knot - going up from my left arm's wrist, curling around the forearm, and ending with its head just below that little crease between your bicep and forearm. I want my dog's paw (with some artistic pattern to go with it, and I know the perfect person to design that for me) tattooed on my right hand's thumb, too.
    Go meet the girl I like (I was debating putting this one here because cringe but whatever).
    Make and release a game.
    Write a book.
    Start a YouTube channel - unsure about this one, but meh.
    Get an apprenticeship, job or go to a university in Germany.
    Move from the United Kingdom -> Germany.
    Vote for the first time (2020).
    Visit some countries (so far have Ireland, Germany, Greece, Serbia and Switzerland on my list).
    Cook three minute noodles correctly for once in my life.
    Topple the bourgeoisie and seize the means of production.

    Not necessarily my life goals, but my goals for the next five-ish years. Life goals would just be to ensure I get a nice house, a career I like doing and I'm satisfied with my accomplishments in when the time comes to retire, a nice little family, to travel the world, and maybe help my parents out with some financial stuff because I know when they retire shit is going to get tough for them.

    Also with the whole tattoo thing, I'm reserving my right arm's bicep for my future family members. I'll write their names down on it. I'd love to write it in Cyrillic, if the girl I currently like is 'the one'. I guess we'll see as time goes on lol.
    607 likes this.
  12. There are roughly 139 countries in the world (depending on just how you count). I've seen 13, so I still have 126 to go! That is basically my dream. Unless I hit some major lottery or something I'll never get to all of them. But I'd like to check off as many as I can in my time here on earth.
    Kytula and 607 like this.