Hi there peeps ^_^

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Gero50, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. Hello everyone I am Gero50.

    I just joined the Empire, and am already loving it. I have been a avid Minecraft player for the past couple years. This is the largest server I have found yet. Seems very nice here. I'm hoping to meet lots of cool people, and have a good time. Forums are nothing new to me either been on them my whole life.

    Hope to have a great time here, and looking foreword to my time here.
    Roslyn, Themoglover, 607 and 6 others like this.
  2. Afternoon

    Ok seriously welcome to EMC, what SMP do you play on? :)
    Wither_Addict likes this.
  3. It's morning for us EMC time players Pete :p, and welcome to EMC Gero! What smp did you end up on?
  4. It might not be morning for him, it's afternoon for me ;-; EU timezones represent! xD
  5. Welcome to EMC, here we are the nicest public server you may find. We're the Canada of Minecraft servers.
  6. Welcome to EMC :)

    I'm sure you'll love the community and forums here ;)
  7. Beware of smp8 ;)
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  8. Welcome!
    As Pete said above, what smp did you land on? If you need any help on anything make sure to ask, there is never such a thing as a stupid question.

    Make sure to check out the Wiki here, as it is great help with all the numerous commands and features.
    crazyminerpete likes this.
  9. Welcome to EMC
  10. Howdy and welcome to EMC!

    Where we have birds, dragons, and other awesome mods peacefully coexisting with players. Players of all ages from all over the globe. Global chat isn't a thing, across servers. 10 Servers, where utopia is meant for supporters to own land but everyone can go hang out there and fly around. Flying in town on smps 1-9 is only an option if you have an elytra. :p

    If you need help with anything I hang out on smp1 ~_^
    607 and Hasorko like this.
  11. Welcome to the EMC family! :) If you need anything please ask
    Hasorko likes this.
  12. Grumble grumble, Canada stealing British stereotypes, grumble grumble.
    Roslyn and 607 like this.
  13. ヘ(◕。◕ヘ) ~~~~ smp1 ~~~~ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    also welcome ... ( ゚ヮ゚)
    Kytula likes this.
  14. Welcome to EMC! If you have any questions just ask :)
  15. Welcome to the Empire, hope you're going to enjoy here!

    EMC is definitely a big server, but this is also the fun part of it: it's big while it still has the ability to 'feel' small and cozy thanks to the different SMP's we got (but all of that goes out of the window once an event is held and everyone flocks to a single specific server :D).

    But big comes in 2 ways... The amount of users and the amount of features. Well, during the day (my local time, the time you posted) the amount of users can be somewhat small because most players come from the US. Even so: it should still provide a good gameplay. But all of that changes at later times. When online try using /time to check "EMC time" (EST), this gives a good indication when most people play.

    And the amount of features... Even though EMC is said to be vanilla+ that + is quite big ;) Even compasses actually do something useful here, which can seriously enhance survival play. For a full overview you should consider checking out the wiki ;) But beware: don't try to take it all in at once, I don't think you'll succeed, EMC is pretty massive.

    So yeah :) Hope you'll enjoy. And keep in mind: if you got questions or such be sure to ask!
    607 likes this.
  16. Good!
    I hope to see you sometime, as frankly, the last five or so introduction threads I posted in were by people I never saw again, after their first and only post.
    Welcome! :)
    ShelLuser and Sachrock like this.
  17. Welcome to EMC, if you have any questions just ask! Most of us don't bite...
  18. suh dude
  19. Hi Gero50. Welcome to the Empire. Enjoy your stay. :)