New Features and bug fixes! 7/25/2016

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. Whew, good thing I didn't lose any villagers...
  2. It's not my choice what happens with the dragon eggs, I'm just stating what I know about it. I personally wanted them to be slightly different to the current non-original eggs to start off with but from what I've heard, the non-originals were always meant to be the same as ones released in the future.

    I don't want them to be available to absolutely everyone, but allowing more players to have them is an idea that's been around for years. As I said, it's not my decision what happens with them and that's not I was talking about in this discussion, but I do hope that they turn out to always be valuable items still, no matter what happens and how many are released.
  3. Bug fixes that went out last night:
    • Shop notifications now base the 15 minutes off logout time instead of login time, so that you don't get notified when switching servers
    • combusting an entity (fire arrows etc) also now require damage flag.
    • fix shop bug with choose signs where the sign could temporarily "break" and just be locked to a single item
  4. Sorry, I meant to just be commenting on the idea, not attacking you. :p
    AyanamiKun, 607, SirTah and 1 other person like this.
  5. was it meant 2 allow teleport when some1 is on the outpost and ur not? b/c u can do that and i think its a bit cheating.
    Blondekid42 and Uber_Corq like this.
  6. Another server that I play on has a timer to "cast" teleport and if you take any damage or move during that cast time, the teleport is cancelled.. :3
    AyanamiKun and 607 like this.
  7. Bump for aikar? :p
  8. Changes went out last night:
    • Group TP now requires you to have been out of combat for 3 minutes, as well as cant be used while falling.
    • Made the aliases for /tpa and other plugins commands relating to teleportation point to group tp instead of saying "nope doesn't exists"

      This helps new players learn about our form of teleportation instead by showing them the group requirement.

    No there is not
    tuqueque, Kytula, Dufne and 3 others like this.
  9. Guess I got lucky last night :p Having to wait after combat can be inconvenient when you just fought Momentus and want the easy way out of a pit, but I fully agree with this change. It's also easily combined with the cool down period for changing your difficulty one notch lower :) (and lets not forget that a few weeks before we couldn't teleport at all, so yah).

    This is personally what I like about all these new features: the developers add cool features and the community more or less helps to fine tune the whole thing.
    Blondekid42 and 607 like this.
  10. What do you mean?

    If the other person is in Town, yes it is meant to allow it (as I even provided an example in the original post)

    If both players are in the wild, it's limited to 48 blocks. Whether or not the target is on the op within 48 blocks from you doesn't change anything (plus they could just step off too)
  11. if someone stands on the outpost (protected area) and another is 48 blocks away they can teleport and be safe, skipping 48 blocks of possible danger.

    b/c the outpost is considered town area (commands work) ppl teleport from waste into town area.

    but the cooldown after fights should solve this a bit.
  12. I found 2 small issues with this today. The delay applies to all players. So if Aya has been in combat recently and I'm trying to teleport to her then that also fails. This seems off because the error tells me that I should stay out of combat for a while, even if I haven't been in combat at all.

    And there's also a small typo in the error: "You must stay out of combat for x minutes to telport".

    I'm sure that should have been 'teleport'. Hope this helps.
    UltiPig, JesusPower2, 607 and 2 others like this.
  13. I don't know if this has been mentioned, but you can damage tamed animals in the wilderness by shooting them with a Flame-enchanted bow.
    ShelLuser and khixan like this.
  14. Yes thank you Ulti for setting "Don't Kill Me" on fire while we were riding the other day :p LOL!