smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Yeah it is weird. Are there not female minecraft players on the EMC?
    Or do they just stay in town?

    What can we do to get more female players to join our community?
  2. I know just messing around lol, anyways I start on the mooshrook farm Sunday or so
  3. But... i have my flaws - im lazy to do any labour :/
    Ps. I will try figure out safer way to travel between villages :>
  4. Be sure to talk to beamer91 too. He introduced the mooshroom food stations so I think he will be a great help.
  5. I'd suggest to get in touch with the other people workign on the railway system. Bridges, tunnels, we will use
    whatever will work out. :)
  6. Yea I will, he's prolly had this idea before us but haven't got to it yet
  7. There are females who play I dunno how to get them interested though.

    Also I wanted to point out this:
    The plan he has is to build a highway out to the outpost. Panic set in so I commented.:
  8. Thanks :D

    The whole purpose of the continent is to be built upon, so feel free to expand south as the island/continent grows :p
  9. Well... Mrlegitislegit why are you rolling around peoples houses?
  10. What do you mean? I simply like to look in houses.
  11. Hmmhp... that is something what looks weird - and i dont look nicely anything exceptional
  12. I punhed through the field to find a taiga which i also passed. Than i found a perfect grassland. Im gonna settle it soon
  13. I have been griefted and looted before. why would I sink to their level.
  14. To replace those what you lost - for " fun " - or for revenge
  15. Ok guys, it is not a crime to look around people's houses. Now, if they start opening chests, I would get a little mor suspicious. But just in case, always have f2 ready. But until you have hard evidence, try not to go around throwing out wild accusations.
  16. But im CG-Suspicious-Andre :D
  17. Mrlegits is not a thief or griefer. We are just rather cautious.
  18. Maybe lather luxu :p Im planning on a hefty beer-intake tonight!