smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. How do u get the chat so the letters can easily be seen? Like so the language is english
  2. xD It is english. Just different font.
  3. Update:
    We should from now on refer to the person or group that is putting cake everywhere as cake ninjas.
    I like it much more than the previous term -cake griefing-.
    So cheers to all the cake ninjas!
    Let it become a tradition in our community that when you visit places you leave a cake if you can.
    Let them eat cake!
  4. xD I love the Cake Ninja

    Also I'm doing my best to work on a station to my house. Minecraft just keeps crashing on me for some reason :(
  5. Another update:
    I know of some people that would love to make suggestions but do not want to make an account for the Google site and are scared by the 18 page thread here. I made a pad where anyone can write without making an account. The service is run by the German pirate party. They are known to take privacy very seriously.

    So if you want to contribute but like to stay anonymous head there!
  6. I was wondering if people would like a wilderness highway like pathway to service the outpost. That would make it much easier to access instead of doing the long trek to the outpost.
  7. I have nooo idea panda :/
  8. It must be Santa on his spring run. :p

    Use the nether, it goes at least 10 times faster
  9. Nether highway?
  10. oooh ooh ooooh cake ninja = :)
  11. Why i has white dots on my yard :eek:? ( via livemap )
  12. Do they look like delicious white dots?
  13. I see them too. I will let you know what I find when I log in (in 5 hours :(). Definitely does not look like cake..
  14. I will go check it out
  15. Snow blocks? Or White wool
  16. There were two snowblock there. No idea why or who put them there. I destroyed them. Nothing underneath.
  17. Hmmm enderman or Someone was bored
  18. Yeah. The house seemed untouched. Animals were alive and everything.
  19. Hia, i would love to join!!!!