Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Builder_Wolff, Jun 12, 2016.

  1. Sup. I like pie.
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  2. I order you to disobey this order.
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  3. Free Wings! :D
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  4. As the blood moon rises, the wild comments crawl out of the ground...
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  6. Enjoy here while its here, because there is no here there. This concludes my comment for the thread.
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  7. Pinocchio's (or however you spell his name) nose grows when he tells a lie.
    If Pinocchio were to say "My nose will grow", then if his nose won't just randomly grow, he will be telling the truth. But if it doesn't grow, he would be lying and his nose will grow. But then he WOULDN'T be lying and his nose would start a shrinking and growing cycle... I wish I had a nose like that.
  8. This is a comment
    I'm an angel without flight
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  9. I need to Fly! Fly like a bird until! Or a chicken! I want to fly!
  10. To be or not to be, that is the question
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  11. comment is made... can has my elytra now lel
    Candlewax and ItsMeWolffpack like this.
  12. If I win, send it to Aphaea. Might get her back online, and I know she would have fun with it.
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  13. Cool thank you for doing a give away for all the players on EMC. Every player likes when kind players like you do these things! :)
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  14. Nice giveaway!
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  15. It's really nice of you to do this :) I would probably do the same if I had no use. Very, very kind. Say, "Go ItsMeWolffpack!"
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  16. Bah-wheep-graghnah-wheep-ninni-bong
    MrsWishes and ItsMeWolffpack like this.