Estonan Federation [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wildbeast23, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. what if i ruined all the stuff you built and made it a ugly shoe box. would you even notice??
  2. I am in smp9
    If I may ask
    What's the difference between wasteland and frontiers:)
    devon699 likes this.
  3. Frontires dont get reset, communities can (mostly) thrive.
  4. Lets just finish the argument.
    Ironholem is siniypiva's now lets not dwell on that, its been his so lets let him repair his fort as he pleases.
    The island napoleon found unbuilt on is his free run, I dont care what he does there but its his to do as he pleases, also the large circular skyscraper in downtown can go to napoleon if he needs a new base of operation. Sorry for giving the island to napoleon to repair it, you had been gone over 100 days and I thought it could use a fix up.
    If you guys want to complain more please do it in private messages, blame me for this mess I caused it.
  5. I could have been emailed if i was greifed. its easy to do. I was suffering a bug, i couldnt log on to the game.
  6. Devon... if someone destroyed your house and stole all your stuff. you would be ok if I said: "its ok, take all his stuff, build a ugly square house where his house was, just steal his building material and make a really ugly shoe box." thats ok? ok .. well, ill remember that if you are ever off for a short time because you have o work a lot.

    that is what you did... for the record....

  7. Wherefore the island of ironholm was robbed and rebuild without my knowledge, I now declare "New Cuba", a free and independent nation from "estona", to include "Ironwood cliffs", and "Momentus island". so as to prevent the thieving and complete destruction I have experienced because I had computer/login problems.

    JesusPower2 likes this.
  8. I understand your frustration siniy, but just on a matter of fact, those islands are within the territory (3000 blocks in all directions from the established chest) of Estona.
  9. That has happend (So be it I rebuilt it shortly after) Remeber my original house? The little oak wood one with stone bricks? Someone tore it up and stole the chests, that why that more suiting to the area one it there now
  10. I don't want people to "help me" by rebuilding the island I made from dirt. Also it was garbage looking. I wasn't able to log In. It's not my fault. It's a known mojang issue.. look on the forums..
  11. Well there will be no more rebuildings, we wont touch ironholem, all napoleon is doing now is working out of the home he built on an somewhere off the coast of maximus, think ya could delete the argument post? I would rather not have a bunch of arguing on the thread

    devon699 and mba2012 like this.
  13. Finished the Roman temple at East Oak recently. Lots of land available for building homes or stores (if you're a good builder that is!), come out and join Estona :)
    devon699 and mba2012 like this.
  14. Hi. The diameter is 3000, the radius is only 1500. From the locked chest 1500 out is the claim. The requirement for "3000 blocks away" is so that each side gets 1500 without overlap.
  15. My sheep have descended into flock gangs...

    VoxelRay likes this.
  16. it's about to get real
    siniypiva and wildbeast23 like this.
  17. SOmething in nether main portal happening. it looked it wher egrievbed. but mabye someone else that's working on it can check things.
  18. The server updated to 1.9 yesterday and they have added a wasteland end world, at around 1:00PM Eastern standard time, that around 6:00PM GMT to have a mining party head out to collect the new and rare end blocks, we will meet at spawn. Hope to see you guys there!
    wildbeast23 likes this.
  19. After a lot of work and so much quartz its finally nearly completed. The Palace at East Oak:
    devon699 likes this.
  20. Just a quick check-in. Please reply to this post if you're still active in Estona. By active, I mean on for an hour or two at least a couple of times a week.