Estonan Federation [Established]

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by wildbeast23, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. Oh the irony #MaximusGriefing
    Sunny_Chicken and mba2012 like this.
  2. oh no what did they do?
  3. That sign is conflicting with it's own text. :O
    napoleon3665 and wildbeast23 like this.
  4. Devon found the greifing a few days ago: "Anyone here who cares to listen, there was some major griefing today in maximus, ironholem was hit bad as well as some nether rails and roads. Already had a mod look into and find the person. Napoleon has taken on repairing ironholem. MBA you may need to fix the volt - spawn nether link."

    From what Dev told me earlier, the griefer has been banned. Also, Ironholm island (the main tower) was badly griefed but it has been rebuilt. The walls weren't griefed though.
  5. Devon699 , there's a chest in your home with the items. the numb er is 9
    devon699 likes this.
  6. so this thread has hit 50 pages, so for the sake of searching for hours, is there a current map of whats part of the estonan federation, and what isnt?
  7. Yeah, its on the first post! But there's also voxelray's towns to the north- west of the map and Thurbur south-east of Inzoino.
  8. why would anyone greif me? ironholm is super old .. established.. makes me sad...
    devon699 likes this.
  9. I spent countless hours working on that place. its all gone. the .. i mean. who did that? i should just take it down and go to new cuba with it. total destruction.. its not what i built.
    devon699 likes this.
  10. Wait, what ? It's grieved ? Or it's some very old damage ?
  11. people destroyed my automated door like a year ago and than something else happened recently
  12. There wasn't any griefing recently in ironholm. Devon699 said that i could have the area because it was griefed a long time ago and it was super inactive.
  13. Thats not how that works. I don't care if anyone said you could have it....
  14. It is MINE. I built it.. I got the stuff to build it. Re arranging it... building other stuff. IS GREIFING don't do anything. All my stuff was stolen.... I am established there.
  15. If there "wasn't recent greeting in ironholm". And you rebuilt my tower.. I will ask the mods to ban you.
  16. You can ask that the mods ban me, but they wont. This place was griefed before i took on rebuilding it. The mods banned the person who griefed it. So now you want to ask that the mods ban the player who attempted to repair the griefed area?

    Also, as wildbeast stated in the above post, i was given the task of repairing the structure. Devon699 specifically told me that i could take ironholm and repair it. Wildbeast23 acknowledged this is in the above post. They are both established as well.

    From my understanding siniypiva, you didnt see any of the structures after it was griefed. So instead of trying to have me banned, which isnt going to appreciate it if you were a little nicer to me.

    If you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the people who griefed it in the first place. If you cant take your anger out on them, then take your anger out on the people who said that i had permission to rebuild it after it was griefed.

    Either way, i tried to help here. Last time i checked, helping didnt warrant a ban.
    Blondekid42 likes this.
  17. Im fixing the tower now. what is the deal with the little house on the island?
  18. The little house on the island is mine. Devon699 said i can claim that island as my own. Is this a problem too?
    devon699 likes this.
  19. Did you ask me if you could make changes to my island that I built? I wasn't able to log in due to a widely noted glitch on mine-craft. If you would wish to remain there that isn't a problem, I just ask you divert you rail to the rail house i built, and make a substation there instead of in my yard. also, no one can tell you you can build on my claimed area.. can i build random structures on ares you had been on for the last 3 years building on? I think you would call me a usurper and be justifiably upset.. I have not done that to you. I am noted and claimed on that island.. as well as others for like 1000 days??? isn't that enough ?