APRIL FOOLS! EMC and 1.9 combat, what will happen!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by BigDavie, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Besides, this basically removes the "family friendly" aspect of the server
  2. before looking at what the thread said I knew it was april fools because there was 1 april next to it... yet it took 3 pages before people realized it was a joke xD
    Patr1cV likes this.
  3. I realized the moment I read the feather part

  4. And so it has begun...
  5. Basically people are just voicing their displeasure about this joke
    TotoStyle likes this.
  6. Family, smamily. Pay to win. We need kits of OP weapons too. Like for $50 you could get a soulbound+ sword that is like 10 blocks long and is bejeweled. Everything bejeweled is better.
    Seanawesome14 and AnonReturns like this.
  7. Your evil BigDavie and we love you for it :cool:
    Seanawesome14 likes this.
  8. Also minecraft is about cooperation not assassination
    cowland123, tuqueque and TotoStyle like this.
  9. Family friendliness is at the centre of EMC though. They wouldn't throw it away in a single update.
  10. Why not just add a PvPland where everyone just PvPs and fights to get materials? And it never resets because you need to be a man
    cowland123 and TotoStyle like this.
  11. So is this going to be a "pay to win" game now? Everyone knows that those don't last long...
    rburke5786 likes this.
  12. Usually most pvp servers have a system so if where you log out when in pvp when you join again you get banned for about 5 minutes so really its not getting kicked its more of a ban lol.
  13. These changes are not my favorite ;-;
    TotoStyle likes this.
  15. Ew 1.9 sounds weird. Like what to MC/EMC XD
  16. The reason that it hasn't been changed is because Krysyy is in charge of it, and forgot to give Davy the new banners and what not.. Just a slight hiccup.
    AnonReturns likes this.

  18. Who is stopping you and your family from going out to the wasteland and getting epic lootz? ;)
    AnonReturns likes this.
  19. The combat evasion system you are referring to will not be on EMC (at least at this point) as we do not see an immediate need for it. We only use such a system in the pvp arenas to avoid someone leaving and coming back full health and killing. Logging will not restore your health and so no need to penalize for it.
  20. And I suppose Aikar is busy flying around on his magic Unicorn or he'd post an update thread like he and only he does? :p
    TotoStyle likes this.