That moment when....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by WayneKramer, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. creepers are kicking my behind at the moment! they're just EVERYWHERE!
  2. get stuck under a 2 high place and your on your horse
  3. ...your brother disturbs you during PVP and PVE
  4. That moment when you use about a dc or two of wood planks on ONE house.....
  5. You build a house in a moment? :p
    ShelLuser and nuclearbobomb like this.
  6. realise that you have to rebuild an entire module in a Redstone creations(its soo anoying)
  7. A player walks up to me (ShelLuser) to ask for help with some nasty griefing. So I log on using GripCEO (because he holds all the GRIP funds) and figured out a smart strategy: While I'm helping the player to report the issue to Staff my ALT can hop onto the GRIP storage to get the stolen / destroyed items. Alt power, right?

    That moment when...

    Oops ;)
    TaraDaniela, tuqueque and 607 like this.
  8. When you tab complete a 30,000r payment to the wrong guy :rolleyes:
    ShelLuser, AyanamiKun, 607 and 2 others like this.
  9. Once sent 1mil to the wrong person. Had to grab a ss member to get my rupees back
    607 and Faithcaster like this.
  10. ...and then afterwards, he sent the money to me. Good times. :p
    ShelLuser, Dufne and 607 like this.
  11. ^ Similar thing happened during the Dufne/Dufne_The_Boss/Dufne_b_ded era. DufneTB got stuck in a road edit and had to have someone (Dwight?) rescue him. Instead, I got teleported, and I was some hundred blocks out in the wild, back to town :p
    607 likes this.
  12. Haha, got to love those similar names :p
    When reading this before reading your signature, I thought the player who walked up to you was ShelLuser :p
    ShelLuser and AyanamiKun like this.
  13. That moment when even the Wither gets tired of all the chickens around the spawn area:

    Just too bad that he's too stupid to realize that none of his projectiles has any effect ;) Now to try and shoot it from afar ;)
    607 likes this.
  14. That moment when your inner self gets the better of you at the death event:
    ShelLuser, 607, FDNY21 and 1 other person like this.
  15. That moment when you're messing around on the emc forums at night and you suddenly realize that it's 11pm already and you have a big math test tomorrow that you forgot to study for.
    Rhythmically likes this.
  16. What did you do?
    When I had that happen (with different variables, but a similar case) I stayed home from school until the test, so I had some time to study still.
  17. Moment when smp4 was 100,000 in-game days old and no one noticed :(

    Happy birthday smp4!!
    WayneKramer likes this.
  18. That moment when you're in the nether, log out for a break, and log back in to be sitting in a pool of lava
    AyanamiKun likes this.
  19. That moment when...
    ShelLuser likes this.

  20. RIP ceiling :D

    I'm experimenting with a new section in my residence, right now at the expense of several brown clay blocks ;)
    PenguinDJ, 607 and fBuilderS like this.