[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. I'll try to be there, if I don't fall asleep before. Going to be 1 am for me!
  2. 199 minutes left until drop party guys !
  3. The community has noticed us and has started to advertise :O
    NerdCookie likes this.
  4. How do they know about us ?????
  5. They know about us because we made it into the news the other day about us saving a little kid from being burnt by a toe hair burner
  6. You and your toes Sep... Lol! XD
    Kaizimir likes this.
  7. It is not only toes, but toe hair that gets him going. He'd freak out if he saw my toes :p
  8. I don't care about toes, just eye hair toe hair
    Kaizimir likes this.
  9. If you want I can mail you some of mine? What about nose hairs, you like them too? If so, I send some along
    penfoldex likes this.
  10. he can stew them in chicken broth
    Kaizimir likes this.
  11. Nose hair is soo 2 weeks ago
    Kaizimir likes this.
  12. there is at least one slime chunk down at the guardian farm, bc I keep afking underneath it, and there's some slimes spawning down there
    Kaizimir likes this.
  13. yeah, I knew that already since the farm finished. But nothing to worry about them
    Kaizimir and PineappleGem like this.
  14. Muhu, so lonely :(
    PineappleGem and Tahitan like this.
  15. I am lonely too, I am in the car to school :p I feel the pain, SMP6 and SMP2 is dead at like 7am, no one is on to talk :(
    PineappleGem and Kaizimir like this.
  16. Official announcement

    Dear PoC some news for you:


    corpsie achieved the coal rank by doing an awesome brewing job, correcting spelling throughout Carthaga and gathering resources. Congratulations and thanks corpsie

    Build team
    Would you be able to share what your next plans are?

    The building of the university is done. Thanks everybody who helped.

    And the thread has been opened here. Now comes the fun part: Put everything Minecraft related inside :)

    I would like to invite all members of Carthaga to participate in the thread and give there ideas and comments in that thread. Of course we will not abandon this thread. Only what is related to the university goes there.

    It would be nice to see some more projects in the city coming to life. I bought some class A building materials. Therefore I want to invite all members to come out to the outpost and start building again, or help us collect tokens for the upcoming land claim :)
    There are quite some open jobs that could be done or just do something new. Here some ideas:
    - Theme park
    - Tree house village in the roofed forest
    - Subway network under the city
    - put down a pixel art gallery all along the northern route
  17. The building ideas sound awesome! I'd be honored to help if i may.
    Kaizimir likes this.