UHC [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. Saw that coming xD
    I won't probably get any kills...
    And I got no skype

    I'm screwed
    Captian_Foxy likes this.
  2. It's your trial so be good :p
    EmpireBrothers likes this.
  3. I know so nervous much scrad...
  4. Yeah....that's not how this is gonna work...
  5. Guess we'll just be friendly then.
  6. Cross-teaming is being disallowed? :)
    Krysyy likes this.
  7. Factual statement. (bonus points if you figure out the correct response)
  8. Darn, well we got 8 members we will have to face each other
  9. Dark Red vs Light Red shall turn the entire server red.
  10. Or just combine teams...is that possible? lol
  11. All teams will be evenly distributed. There is no 8 vs 4...
    PenguinDJ and ArchdukeMelon like this.
  12. 4v4v4?
  13. depends on the amount of people that show up, but yes
  14. Depends on the turn up. Could be 2v2 or 7v7v7, we don't know yet. It depends on the amount of people who show up.

    Edit: ninja'd
  15. That feeling when Rainbow is having all the fun and not letting anyone in :rolleyes:
    PMSubhan and Codygraw like this.
  16. Oh noes! My connection has been throttled!
  17. Are teams automade or do we need to form one
  18. When you join the game you'll have a choice of teams. They're not automatically created, but you also don't have to form a team before hand.
  19. I'm ashamed and appalled at what I witnessed today.

    That being said, UHC has some changes starting out that need to be made. We didn't say everything was going to be perfect and Chin did not deserve to be told that he didn't put enough effort into things.

    UHC is cancelled until further notice because we have to fix the issues with team assignment and determine policies for team creation going forwards.
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