Aww... ...So no red book titles, and a special "Share your scare's 2015 Submission" tag line..? Or mebbe Orange and Black? *Starts writing Casu Marlix*
Um, Question.. Will special formatting be a problem in these books..? I mean like colored text, obsfucation, italics, bold.. etc?
Depends. A normal book & quill doesn't support this nor does a signed book. So its probably best not to rely on formatting (this is my major problem too right now: how to really draw people's attention in without formatting). So far I'm resorting to using '/' for emphasising. For example when I /really/ need to stress something out. PS: I'm doing a horrid job so far, I'm much better with fantasy stories than scary stories. All I managed to do so far was to make some people laugh not a good start.
Incorrect. Otherwise my signatures would really be magic. Use this symbol: § in the book like you would use & on a sign with all the same color codes as shown with /color
Having never seen one I don't really know what you're referring to but.. Aren't you magical anyway which could also explain all that? Anyway, I looked it up to make sure (I know: I should have done that up front) and what do you know? I stand corrected: you're right (obviously). For some reason the copy/paste requirement always convinces me that this isn't possible. Try asking me again in 4 months: I'll make the same mistake.
My first book seems to be a total failure, and needs to be completely rewritten because "certain" aspects..
Ooooh, I'll have to try to snag yours. Anyway, I submitted one as well, for anyone interested. Mine is a terrifying story of, er, terrifying terror. I call it.... The Latte Not even sprinkles can mask the evil within... EDIT: This title is not a joke, unless I misquoted my own subtitle.
I was only able to submit one book, what with translating it and trying to make the text from the original manuscript family friendly... My only regret is that I could not translate the second part fast enough to submit it.. ..But, lets just say, people should be pleased..