u r teh ugliust pirsin i hav eva seen in my lyf. 12/10 wud not dayt and tret u lik teh sexi beest u rlly r deep dwn.
In English: You are the ugliest person I have ever seen in my life. 12/10 would not date and nor treat you like the sexy beast you really are deep down.
I wouldn't say now Don't worry, I never thought I'd have a bad haircut until I looked at my middle school days. shivers
Wow, that paint drawing is the perfect representation of the haircut Don't worry, looks good, you should have seen my previous haircuts... *shivers*
I was hoping to read: "Now I look like Keliris" but now you have no excuse Just kidding I am average at best. Its not that bad of a hair cut, no need to wear a hat.
Can we close the thread with this post? I just like the meme haha. I just saw the title of the thread and thought this would be a great ending. You don't need everyone to say you're not ugly. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. If you think you're not ugly then you're not. Who cares what anyone says negatively of you. You can do great things, as far as you can dream. Dream big!
I tried to cut my own bangs once. WORST. IDEA. EVER. The nice thing about hair is that it grows out The only problem is that there is photographic evidence of said hair tragedy. BURN erase all evidence of this haircut and forget it ever happened! Then you'll be just fine.