Not trying to be mean, but the best way to improve a certain skill is to receive constructive criticism.
HelloKittyRo, a great thing to use for grammar (if you have chrome) is grammarly. Though it is not the best, it catches a ton of mistakes you may make. Also, lol @Haro correcting grammar. Missing some AND correcting things that are already correct.
coming from u i believe u mean that ^.^ some others... i think u should give her a break already. i think its funny that Kitty manages to get so many replies. some of u like responding to her posts, maybe just for the likes u get? ^.^
What did I color in green that was already correct? I made the mistakes green and my corrections in red.
Two prime examples I see right away: You didn't replace much with many You added an unneeded the in the first sentence.
I suppose the second thing you said didn't have to be there. I didn't thoroughly go through and look at every single phrase. I was just skimming it and correcting whatever I saw right away.
Didn't you post something about your play time a long time ago saying you'd limit it? Meh, but any way Grammar isn't really important in game. On threads and maybe on the blog posts it'd be important to use, but in-game it's fine. But, I don't think that this thread was all that needed ( and yes I know I did this once as a sign of me trying to mature more ).
Hey HKRo, It's good to see you trying to become a better person in real life, in school, and in the EMC community! Don't let what people say bother you too much. So, some things I want to say: Grammar issues Honestly, people are making this out to be a bigger deal than it really is. It's great that you're trying to improve your grammar, but don't let this bother you. It'll improve as time goes on. I post too many things As others have pointed out, you shouldn't limit yourself to posting (and speaking from experience, that doesn't usually work out ). If you think you should post, then post. If you want to share something, post a status. Don't say it's not Friday, I can't post because that'll cause more problems than it solves. Same goes for threads: If you have something to share, do it. Don't let personal limits affect what you post. But if posting is interfering with things such as your grades and personal life, cutting back on forum and in-game time would definitely be the right thing to do. If you need help with this, staff members can always temporarily ban per request if EMC is really getting in the way of schooling and has become an "addiction." Here's a nice post by Krysyy that confirms that. Online activity Basically the same as above. Limiting your computer access definitely isn't a bad thing, but don't feel as though you have to cut back unless it starts affecting your real life. My title Don't let what others say bother you. If you feel that's the best way to start a thread, then do it. That being said, some variation is always good. Will you be posting anymore threads for this month (October)? Just quoting myself from above: If you have something to share, do it. Don't let personal limits affect what you post. But if posting is interfering with things such as your grades and personal life, cutting back on forum and in-game time would definitely be the right thing to do. ~Penguin
I love these threads. I always feel uplifted after reading them, which means you have a positive influence. Grammar is hard to get perfect. But as the musical bird pointed out it really doesn't matter. I know plenty of people who have terrible grammar and are very successful.