Figured I'd get to this, so here we goSelling some promos:Pot o' gold - 14kMeteor Bow - 20kEggcellent Wand - 16kEMC 2015 B-Day Cake (x3) 12k eachEMC 2015 B-Day Cookie - 30k Love Potion No.9 - 80k Prices are based of here: and here: NOTE: If you feel prices are not reasonable, Pm me. Preview chest on Smp1, 642.
I want the pot of gold please. Will send payment as soon as you confirm (if I am on, otherwise as soon as I relog in)
Will mail em to ya in the morning when I relog. EDIT: Wait, Its already morning.... EDIT II: Mailed. Waiting on your payment.
^^^ actually its primetime for the majority of emc have a good night. probably the best time of day/night to bump a post. between now and the next few hours ;-)