Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Someone was caught afking at the mall and we put his afk self to work, 10r each:
    Defne_The_Boss likes this.
  2. Did you type some stuff in, or download SethBling's schematic?
    607 and f_Builder_sDaNub like this.
  3. Type it in ;)
  4. Koala abuse!
  5. 607 likes this.
  6. I sent this to luckygreenbird..

    and got sent this..

    607, haastregt, FDNY21 and 2 others like this.
  7. /report RainbowChin WHY NOT ME?!?!?!
    TromboneSteve likes this.
  8. That horse is too OP.

    Be careful, That is chins horse. It will probably break things.
    Gawadrolt and Defne_The_Boss like this.
  9. Technically Sr. Staff aren't even allowed to give items to players to begin with, so why does finch have it to begin with is the greater question?
    607, TromboneSteve and GetStrafedM8 like this.
  10. Finch blackmailed Rainbow. He said that if he got Rainbow's steed, he'd never ask Chin to do another road edit. ;)
    607, ShelLuser, FDNY21 and 2 others like this.
  11. that skin is cute ^.^
    607, FDNY21 and Dufne like this.

  12. Minecraft in pirate speak is interesting.
  13. Awe, but I love being in Mumble and hear RainbowChin complaining about the road edit and how it's taking too long. :(

  14. The spelling...
    DISCLAIMER: I was lagging ;) Or was I?
    607 likes this.
  15. deathconn and Penguinub like this.
  16. NUUU! You revealed all! *Hides in underground bunker*
    Gawadrolt and FDNY21 like this.