4th of July ( EDITED )

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ww2fan168, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. Guess we both couldn't be bothered to turn to page 2 of the search results ;)
  2. Oh lord, not this old thing. Okay, lets settle this.
    WWI = You only got involved because Germany blew up some of your ships coming to the UK
    WWII = Germany declared war on you, then you got involved.
    You didn't get involved to help save the world or become a hero. Russia did more work than you (where's kitten...).

    EDIT: Oh and learn some real history. The Statue of Liberty was constructed in 1886, 3 years before Hitler was even born. So no. I don't think it was a thanks for anything related to the world wars. Considering how it's a national monument, you woulda thought you'd of learnt something about it.
  3. *sniff sniff* Oh lord my popcorn is burning, don't start without me.
    PenguinDJ, Kephras and ww2fan168 like this.
  4. Lets keep this thread about July 4th! 'Murica!
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_declaration_of_war_against_the_United_States_(1941)

    Hitler wanted the land back. Blame the French. They took the most out of anyone.
  6. WWI:
    The reason why we americans joined it was the Zimmerman telegram and plus the sinking of the lusitania. Which in fact was carrying military weaponry to Britain. We joined so late as well because haven't you heard of the term "Melting pot"? We were a nation of immigrants. My origin of family was originally from Sweden. There is no true "Full blooded american". Woodrow Wilson was a president at the time and was a pacifist. He didn't want war because he believed it was wrong and plus of the high amount germans that fled from Germany to U.S. He didn't want to split the country.

    Now on WW2:
    We joined the war because the well known Attack on Pearl Harbor. We joined the war because of Japan not because of Germany. Hitler does claim war on us three days later after the attack. We help out Europe first.
    Now before we joined, France surrendered to Germany and Britain was indeed of needing help. We again did the same tactic in WW1 and sent military supplies to you. It was only when we were attacked by Japan and being claimed by germany as enemies... We started sent troops to Great Britain to help repel the German forces. America started a air bombing campaign in August of 1942 to weaken Germany's forces and to stop their "War machine" It was only 2 years later we started Operation Normandy or D-day for short. It was only possible with american troops and bombing campaigns.

    Now to say that in WW1 that we helped the war, yes we did we sent a lot of supplies to defeat Germany. But we didn't do much in the field.

    In WW2 however, I believe we had a drastic effect for the allies winning. If anything we ended the second war with a bomb with a cold one. (Referring to the Cold war)
    BrenJone likes this.
  7. You do all realize how terrifying that is, right? WWII I'm talking about. A single country suddenly pouring out millions of troops, taking over whole damn countries within weeks. America didn't join WWII to "provide justice" or any of that crap. We were trying to save our own freaking skins, as well as any potential ally.

    Those who say "You'd all be speaking German right now if it weren't for America", well, if it weren't for Britain holding off bombs on their own. turf. for. months. America wouldn't even have Normandy to attack. There goes the master invasion.

    It was a group effort. Congratulate each other, don't argue who did a better job. Not like any of us even participated in it. Unless, of course, you did. If you did actually fight in WWII though, and you are mocking other Europeans for their efforts, shame on you.
  8. You guys know you're talking about the wrong war, right?
  9. This threads about the 4th of July, not a debate on World Wars...
  10. We claim neutrality to Germany when WW2 started. It was only when Germany claimed war we started sending troops. As sick as it is to an ally, that is what happened. But to be fair you ignored my part of we were helping them by sending military supplies. We pulled ourselves from the great depression because of WW2. With all our workers and believe it or not car factories we built airplanes, Willys jeeps, and Tanks for us and Great Britain. Other factories turned into gun or ammunition factories which were sent to great britain as well.
  11. Yes I know, But people don't understand of america's part of ww2 and they created themselves a false idea. I am just telling them what happened.
  12. I wasn't focusing very much on the actual beginning of the war. There was too much to account for in such a short post.

    We were indeed sending supplies to combat the axis powers. Particularly the lend-lease program. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "But to be fair you ignored my part of we were helping them by sending military supplies." I wasn't saying you were wrong. I just didn't mention the background interactions?
  13. I was noting of this quote, should of been more elaborative.

    Quite right, just know that america was the economy powerhouse who helped out everyone sending military supplies.
  14. Okay, just wasn't sure. I'm sure we both know our stuff :p
    clan23 likes this.
  15. Thank you. Someone actually understands. While I may not show it, I am appreciative for the American efforts. I however do not like it when Americans claim they did the leg work.

    I am out of this thread as I do feel sorry for ww2fan because of my off-topicness. Sorry about that ww2fan. Anyways, have a great 4th of July. ttyl.
    clan23 likes this.