4th of July ( EDITED )

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ww2fan168, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. Egads.

    I'd prefer to stay 100% impartial to this (I'm from Canada, and I'd like people to think that all I do is say sorry and drink maple syrup) but I will give my one point on this.

    WWII has nothing to do with this. Neither does WWI, or, for that matter, any war. The guy posted a picture involving the damn Statue of Liberty. Whatever that may represent to you, let us rejoice with puppies and rainbows.
    Kephras likes this.
  2. Murica!
    ww2fan168 likes this.
  3. I'm going to do something totally not me... I'm ignoring the whole thread and just spout off. "niet gehinderd door enige kennis van zaken". Eh, wha? If you can derail then so can I! That were some wise Dutch words ;) Oh, I am in violation of some rules: "Unhindered by any knowledge of the facts...".

    America isn't perfect.

    I only read the first 2 threads and I think I can do a lot worse with my criticism. This may sound weird to you; my avatar being an American flag and me stating that I can really criticize them. That boils down to respect.

    I have no love lost for America as in the country as in the American politicians. Who want to go through my whole bank account if I want to visit them (big brother anyone?). But I do respect the American people. Some of them I actually call my friends (and one of them a dear friend (no comment)). Gang: try to get this through your thick skulls (and pardon the somewhat hostile comment): a country doesn't always truly vote for their government nor its actions.

    But even that comment is basically meaningless... What's much more important: This is an American festivity, the 4th of July, Independence day. Are we really so cloaked up in our own believes that we can't even allow our friends to enjoy their festivity without negative comments? Hint: they didn't do those things you're accusing them of. They're only trying to celebrate a festival day.

    See that American flag in my profile up there? (I'm gonna leave it throughout this weekend). That is not because I like some of the actions took by America as a nation, but because I respect and support the festivity which is enjoyed by many Americans, some of who I also call my friends. I am so gonna leave it for the weekend there...

    This isn't about America as a nation (the politicians) this is about our fellow players who'd like to enjoy their Independence day. Don't tell me you forgot that Empire Minecraft is an American server? Hmm, a little courtesy goes along way....

    So I shall repeat myself: I wish all my American fellow EMC players a very happy & pleasant Independence day and in addition I'd also like to warn you that it might be best to ignore certain posts in this thread in honor of the day you're celebrating.

    Yes, this is a rant, yes, I'm speaking my mind, but honestly you guys... There are times when to be the devils advocate and there are times when to show respect and acknowledge that you might be spoiling the good time of other people with your comments.

    Disclaimer: Just so we're clear, this was a rant. I do not mean any disrespect either way but I do think some players are taking it too far by using Independence threads to criticize the US. I truly believe this is NOT the time nor the place for that. So yah, pardon the rant, I had to get this off my chest.

    (try asking my friends if you must: me using an American flag as avatar? Yah, this is mostly out of respect for EMC and because I liked ww2fan's suggestion (and admired the 2nd attempt).
    ww2fan168 likes this.
  4. I agree, I just made the thread to let players have some fun. And the quote you put I translated ( trying to learn dutch myself ) and I think thats a good quote.
    ShelLuser likes this.