[ Suggestion ] Being able to teleport out of Endertopia without having to go through a portal.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by MustangLover25, Jun 27, 2015.


What do you think?

Yes 9 vote(s) 42.9%
No 12 vote(s) 57.1%
  1. So who is with me should we make it a feature to teleport out or not?
  2. Like PenguinDJ said, you don't need it, the portal is very close.
    Deadmaster98 and PenguinDJ like this.
  3. However enderman can still kill you and you might get killed before you make it to the portal.
  4. Considering that Endertopia already makes the game easier, I am not sure that one of your selling points should be that your change will take the last remaining risk out of something that is meant to be survival.
  5. I rarely, rarely, rarely ever visit Endertopia, as I am not much of a wildie or a mob farming person at all. However, I used to go there quite a bit in my earlier days, around the November of 2014. I don't remember the 9 second walk from the farm to the portal being that bad at all. However, for those who are lazy, it may be a pain in the neck to have to constantly walk to and from the portal constantly. Due to this, I shall remain neutral and give this a +0.
    Deadmaster98 and mustanglover25 like this.
  6. I know I can't accept/deny this suggestion in the place of our Admins & Devs, but I can at least tell you that if it were accepted, it would most definitely not be a priority to add it in, due to the perfectly functional teleport that exists in the center :)
  7. I believe EMC shouldn't be so easy. Like what PenguinDJ said, I don't like auto-farms. They cause too much lag and are too easy for the players. I like a bit of a challenge ;) . Also, even though the majority of the supporters are people who can type pretty well, I prefer to use the keys I am most comfortable with for the controls of Minecraft and just spring to the portal rather than risk messing up typing and that taking 3 times longer. Even if you get attacked by endermen, you can always return and get your items and remember to bring better weapons. I like suggestions though! Keep them coming :D
    Deadmaster98 and harsh900 like this.
  8. Come on Aikar please read this.
  9. Why not use an ended pearl from it and make the trip to the teleporter even quicker?
  10. Then you waste an ender pearl ;)
    SkareCboi likes this.
  11. And that matters why? They are really cheap and have almost no value in the market...
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  12. Personally I don't like the idea to be honest. For 2 reasons, one of them has already been mentioned earlier: making gameplay too easy. I believe at least a few aspects of the game should remain a challenge of some sort. Now, the following is just a comment and not one to justify my opinion (that would be unfair). But having said that: there are plenty of players out there who can't use a single command to teleport to an XP farm. They actually need to venture out into the Frontier, find the End portal, then venture out into the End to go to the farm and then use it. Going back is reversing this process (though using the End portal to go back is easier because it lands you on an outpost, so going back to /town or /home is easily done once you're there). You only need to issue one /endertopia /v endertopia command from Utopia, and step into a portal within 20 blocks or so once you're done.

    But this does lead up to the 2nd reason I don't like the idea: it would probably affect the whole End and not just Endertopia, because you're not so much exiting Endertopia but the End itself (although I suppose they could set up some flags). And that would really affect gameplay in my opinion. It's EMC specific to start at an outpost, go out into the open and then back to an outpost again. Not easily teleporting yourself out again with a single command.

    And yah, since there's already a teleport in place... using Endertopia has bagged you plenty of enderpearls, so using them to quickly get to the teleporter shouldn't be that hard?

    If the Enderman bother you: either wear a pumpkin (as a helmet) or keep staring at the ground.

    Just my 2 cents obviously, but I think this doesn't really add much positive advantages to the game. And would provide plenty of redundant work for the developers as well (that's an assumption on my part, but I'm referring to those flags for example; adding a global command and making sure it's only usable in Endertopia even though a portal is already in place).

    I can see where you're coming from, but I don't really like the idea.
  13. He already did.
  14. :rolleyes: Only if you do something really silly, like have a staring contest with that pile of endermen before kneecapping them. Besides which, the whole area is protected above the half-slab level, so all you need to do is stand on one of the wall borders or do a quick server-hop if you accidentally aggro one.
    And on top of THAT, it's fluffin' Endertopia - you are literally drowning in ender pearls! Just chuck one at the portal of your choice, no walking required.

    -1 for suggestion. -10 for sense.
    PenguinDJ, TomvanWijnen and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. Is this still working? I tried /endertopia and it said to check the emc wiki.
  16. Using endrrperals is disabled so the enderman can't teleport.
  17. Endertopia is a res in a way because you use /v Endertopia I personally don't mind having to walk back but, there is a problem since there is only one teleport sign working. There are two spawns of endertopia and 1 works getting you back to town. I would like that one fixed but for the idea of /town isn't needed.
  18. Because the other is the teleport in, not out.
    clan23 and ShelLuser like this.
  19. Thanks for the clarification.
  20. The command is /v endertopia. :)
    FWRonald and ShelLuser like this.