I actually noticed that 1 other person had that problem when they opened their mail on a completely different server that I sent it to... I think it was smp3 but I'm not sure (and it's not relevant). D: On another note, I may just put up a shop sign for this and have people buy the maps there (on smp8) from it with a warning of sorts to let them know not to move it cross-server or anything... If I do, I'll make the price of each of these pixelart maps 1r since the Flag Shop's maps are the same amount, just to be fair ^^;
Is it just mailing maps across smps that messes it up? Because I think he mailed me mine (we're on the same smp) and it was fine. Just curious for future reference.
Too bad you couldn't get Minecrasoft Lite installed on it... Oh well, it's still good to know this thread is inspiring some form of technology on other smp's. Also... ^ this basically I made sure to mail people who had res's on smp8 only, or who asked me about them at the time while they were on smp8. I understand full-well that sending these cross-server would break them, and I avoided that as much as possible. ^^;
Err... I wouldn't expect them to work even on the same SMP. Just checked the code and I have no idea why it would work even on same SMP.
I have a laptop that cost 1/6 of an iMac and I have no lag issues. In fact, anything with a half decent mobile graphics card will run Minecraft better than or equal to an iMac, since the iMac houses a weak card relative to its price.
Maybe the way you save them? Don't you use MySQL? I only Optifine to increase my graphic settings. 32 chunk viewing distance
I run 100-120 fps with a laptop I bought from walmart for like 600 dollars.... 3 years ago. Edit: have hacked the bios to get around several packet bugs. Also use optifine and run most things off with only some particles. on certain peoples res i will drop to like 30fps. I rarely get lag. Running windows 7 with all the add on crap deleted or disabled. Also running the OS in a gamer friendly way.
*jealous* I want to get a new computer. Currently spending half my savings to get my car fixed -_- so much for that thought.
I was about to say "what happened to this thread?" I also noticed Aikar's been a bit more active on the forums .w.; Which is a good thing
*qoutes someone**lists elite OS my magnificent personal computer uses**lists extraordinary fps for ultimate firework viewing pleasure*
You can get the BETA of it for free (and a year free or something later on). It isn't perfect yet and Microsoft are adding features as they're going along. Microsoft is definitely trying to fix their problems that Windows 8 had.