Hi guys, I have been looking for a new texture pack for ages and... I WANT TO KNOW WHAT TEXTURE PACK YOU USE. PLEASE INCLUDE A DOWNLOAD LINK/MCFORUMS LINK OR SOMETHING. I have used faithful 32x for years now and want to spice it up a bit. Requirements: Dont do anything super cartoony (cartoon level of Sphax is okay) Nothing over 64x Nothing over 128x Thanks!
I put on Misa's 2 days ago, and I have to say I am enjoying it. I have never normally used a texture pack before, but I could settle for Misa's. It is pretty good
This one has Always been a Favorite of Mine http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...8545-x64-1-7-x-1-8-snapshots-ovos-rustic-pack
I use OzoCraft, and I have fallen in love with it. I've been using it for more than a year. (32x) http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/ozos-texture-pack/[/spoiler][/URL]
I switch off regularly, but these are my top three: http://www.minecrafttexturepacks.com/dandelion/ http://www.minecraftforum.net/forum...-on-sugar-v3-0-feb-25-2015-add-customizations And a personal resource pack made by calhencha. I'll see if I can add the file (unfortunately, this one is only 1.7 so I don't use it much any more).
Thanks, I downloaded both but only ran at about 7FPS with them Looks a bit cartoony for me, but I might try it later.
I haven't used any 3rd party (not sure if I'm using this term right) textures in a long while, but I always loved Gerodoku. My brother preferred Dokucraft, which is also good. They're not too resource heavy either. They're both realistic.
i switch off on occasion but most of the time i use Wolfhound Dungeon. i would say i use this one 90% of the time: http://resourcepack.net/wolfhound-dungeon-resource-pack/ other packs i like are: Dragon Dance: http://resourcepack.net/dragon-dance-resource-pack/ Herr Sommer Medieval: http://resourcepack.net/herrsommer-medieval-resource-pack/ High on Sugar: http://resourcepack.net/high-on-sugar-resource-pack/ and MCMagic: http://mcmagic.us/downloads/resource-packs/ and for halloween i always use the Nightmare Before Christmas pack: http://resourcepack.net/nightmare-before-christmas-resource-pack/ Some might be too cartoon-y, and my favourite one might be too dark/gothic/horror-based for your liking. but hopefully this list of the ones i use helps you find at least something new to play in
Have you not found anything you liked yet, or do you just want to give other people the chance to share their favourites?
I found a couple I like, but there are thousands of packs out there... gonna keep the thread living for a while.
I saw yours before, I like it- but I am not too fond of ANY pack that uses those bolded lines in between blocks.
I just found the texture pack of my life, but its a WIP I cant stand when there are HD textures mixed with normal. Yuck! ;D I shall keep my searching on!