[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. I will trade you the steroids I'm researching for the GPS.
  2. No, because democratic communism is different than Soviet communism. I suppose an anti-U.S.S.R. drive would be more appropriate. Also, thank you for the gorilla suits.

    The draft has concluded and achieved its goal, closing with nearly 420,000 soldiers and other military positions filled. They will be deployed to Turkey unless the U.S.S.R. would like to return our satellite state. Otherwise, our naval fleet will not hesitate to turn the occupied areas of Europe to a wasteland.
  3. Bakaara United News
    • The BLS has completed the steroid. Dubbed the "Snoop", this steroid, when taken, (it is in a pill) the person who took it will gain the ability to feel no pain and adrenaline to rush throughout his/her entire body, making the person run faster, shoot faster, etc. It is also non-addictive and is 100% organic. :p However, the effects of this drug only lasts for 10 minutes and is moderately hard to produce.
    • Bakaara United plans to close its borders to domestic flights and ships coming from all nations & also strongly encourages its citizens not to travel at this time. This is due to the ongoing war with the volatile U.S.S.R.
    • The BLS has started research on a type of scanner that can reveal enemy locations down to the exact centimeter and is still small enough to fit onto airplanes. This is expected to take 6 posts to complete.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_democracy
  5. I'm sorry, but I quit.

    Nfell's recruitment drive of 300 million is being supported.

    I can back up my troops Nfell. End of. Because 300 million is nowhere near an army of about 7 million. And this is the Red Army so that isn't THAT unrealistic. The Red Army was massive during WW2 and would presumably have been massive during any other possible war.

    And plus, seeing Bakaara United have 6 MILLION SOLDIERS?

    That is 10 times the population of Cyprus.

    Considering I killed most of that population in a Nuclear Strike...
  6. Sebia would like to work with Bakaara United on the scanner.
  7. Due to the actions of the USSR, the ER is beginning to assemble its full naval fleet to perform a major attack on the USSR. The most advanced anti aircraft weaponry has been set up in the ER and any attempts to bomb will be futile.

    The air force is preparing for a nuclear attack on a currently undisclosed location in the USSR. They are also preparing for a major chemical and biological attack

    The armies of the ER and of Sebia are also upscaling their military exercises near the Chinese border with the USSR, from 1 million troops to 280 million troops.
  8. Sebia begins marching onto Russia.
  9. I quit in my last post.
  10. Making Russia open for Sebia's taking.
    SoulPunisher and 607 like this.
  11. If you want.
  12. Sebia should not be entitled to Russia. It currently controls the 4 largest countries by land mass, and 4 of the top 10 populated countries.
    I declare Turkey as a satellite state of the SCAU.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  13. If SoulPunisher agrees and this maybe a good idea for everyone, but could I establish my country on the original USSR land? If kitten3101 wants to come back I won't mind leaving the game
    607 likes this.
  14. I wouldn't mind. But I would like Japan and/or N/S Korea.
    607 likes this.
  15. And I put up with you unrealistically spreading your troops out pretty much all over the entire Northern Hemisphere.

    New Kalmar has officially claimed France as its own territory, bringing its population up to 130.269 million.
  16. 8 million is different to 500 million.
  17. You're missing my point: 8 million troops can't fight and attempt to invade pretty much all of Europe and expand into Northern Asia at the same time.
    nfell2009 likes this.
    WASWAS Attacks Serbia [ 3 posts ]
  19. They can. Holding it is another matter.

    I rely mainly on initial confusion to take power.