[FORUM GAME] Family Feud

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by 607, Mar 22, 2015.


Name a poll choice.

Yes. 7 vote(s) 10.1%
Our secret. 7 vote(s) 10.1%
UFO's are cool. 9 vote(s) 13.0%
Nuts. 4 vote(s) 5.8%
Orange. 14 vote(s) 20.3%
Team Rocket. 17 vote(s) 24.6%
Icycle. 6 vote(s) 8.7%
Clown. 3 vote(s) 4.3%
Eager. 1 vote(s) 1.4%
Dumb. 1 vote(s) 1.4%
  1. We got 10 entries! :D
    This means round 2 will be starting the coming Sunday, if things don't go array.
    BabyCreepersRule likes this.
  2. I'm sorry this is taking so long, I'm not too good with Excel. If anyone with knowledge of Excel could help me calculating the points, please pm me.
  3. Wow, the Excel spreadsheet was definitely the hardest of all to do! :p I got it done mostly, though, with help from "that other forum" by borrowing a template of theirs.
    I cheated a bit with question 11 though (calculated the score manually). I'm now just waiting for boozle to answer questions 11 and 12, because he forgot those.
  4. The results from round 1 are in!
    I'll list them and their answers here.

    This needs to be split into two posts though, due to character limitations.

    Unfortunately I didn't get the answers of questions 11 and 12 from boozle.

    1. Name a server on EMC.
    1: smp8 (BabyCreepersRule, Owl_on_Caffeine, ShelLuser)
    0.67: smp1 (jkrmnj, jelle68)
    0.67: smp7 (PineappleGem, SkyDragonv8)
    0.33: utopia (TechNinja_42)
    0.33: smp4 (hashhog3000)
    0.33: smp2 (boozle628)

    2. Name a building material.
    1: cobblestone (BabyCreepersRule, jelle68, ShelLuser)
    1: wood (PineappleGem, Owl_on_Caffeine, SkyDragonv8)
    0.67: stone (jkrmnj, TechNinja_42)
    0.33: sandstone (hashhog3000)
    0.33: diamond blocks (boozle628)

    3. Name a version of Microsoft Windows.
    1: 7 (hashhog3000, Owl_on_Caffeine, ShelLuser)
    0.67: 8.1 (boozle628, SkyDragonv8)
    0.67: 8 (BabyCreepersRule, jkrmnj)
    0.33: XP (TechNinja_42)
    0.33: Vista (PineappleGem)
    0.33: 1.8.1 (jelle68)

    4. Name a colour.
    1: blue (BabyCreepersRule, TechNinja_42, hashhog3000, boozle628, Owl_on_Caffeine, SkyDragonv8, ShelLuser)
    0.14: green (jkrmnj)
    0.14: red (jelle68)
    0.14: pink (PineappleGem)

    5. Name a destination you would go to on vacation.
    1: Hawaii (BabyCreepersRule, TechNinja_42, PineappleGem, SkyDragonv8, ShelLuser)
    0.2: Bahamas (jkrmnj)
    0.2: Tibet (jelle68)
    0.2: Australia (hashhog3000)
    0.2: Europe (boozle628)
    0.2: a rural area (with fields and hills and meadows and forests) (Owl_on_Caffeine)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  5. 6. Name a chemical element.
    1: Carbon (jkrmnj, hashhog3000, Owl_on_Caffeine)
    0.33: Hydrogen (BabyCreepersRule)
    0.33: Erbium (jelle68)
    0.33: Potassium (TechNinja_42)
    0.33: Sodium (PineappleGem)
    0.33: Helium (boozle628)
    0.33: CO2 (SkyDragonv8)
    0.33: Gold (ShelLuser)

    7. Name a game making company.
    1: Mojang (BabyCreepersRule, jelle68, PineappleGem, SkyDragonv8)
    1: Nintendo (TechNinja_42, hashhog3000, boozle628, Owl_on_Caffeine)
    0.25: EA (jkrmnj)
    0.25: Rockstar (ShelLuser)

    8. Name a programming language.
    1: Java (jkrmnj, jelle68, TechNinja_42, hashhog3000, SkyDragonv8, ShelLuser)
    0.5: C++ (PineappleGem, boozle628, Owl_on_Caffeine)
    0.17: Python (BabyCreepersRule)

    9. What's your favourite pet?

    1: Dog (BabyCreepersRule, jkrmnj, jelle68, TechNinja_42, hashhog3000, SkyDragonv8)
    0.5: Cats (boozle628, Owl_on_Caffeine, ShelLuser)
    0.67: Bird (PineappleGem)

    10. Name a car company.
    1: Jeep (BabyCreepersRule, Owl_on_Caffeine)
    1: Ford (jkrmnj, ShelLuser)
    1: Toyota (PineappleGem, SkyDragonv8)
    0.5: Volvo (jelle68)
    0.5: Ferrari (TechNinja_42)
    0.5: Audi (hashhog3000)
    0.5: Tesla (boozle628)

    11. Guess how many likes I will have on this account on 28-3-2015, noon EMC time. (The one closest to the average will get 1.0 points, the one second closest 0.8, then 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 and after that no points.)
    Average: 4084
    Guesses, in order of entry time:
    4075 (jelle68: 0.8)
    4083 (hashhog3000: 1)
    - (boozle628)
    4110 (Owl_on_Caffeine: 0.6)
    4110 (SkyDragonv8: 0.6)
    4110 (ShelLuser: 0.6)

    12. Pick a number between 1 and 9 inclusive (so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9). (Your score is determined by (1/amount of people who picked the number you picked).)
    The numbers picked, in order from lowest to highest:
    1 (PineappleGem: 1)
    4 (jelle68, SkyDragonv8: 0.5)
    5 (BabyCreepersRule, ShelLuser: 0.5)
    7 (jkrmnj, TechNinja_42, hashhog3000: 0.33)
    8 (PineappleGem: 1)
    boozle628 didn't pick a number.

    PineappleGem at first forgot to pick a number, but I reminded her and she picked one in time.

    Then I further reminded her about the "1 to 9 inclusive" part ;)

    The results:
    1. Owl_on_Caffeine: 9.20
    2. SkyDragonv8: 9.17
    3. hashhog3000: 8.70
    4. BabyCreepersRule: 8.67
    5. ShelLuser: 8.58
    6. TechNinja_42: 7.50
    7. PineappleGem: 7.14
    8. jkrmnj: 6.93
    9. jelle68: 6.68
    10. boozle628: 5.37

    Those first five are very close together!
    Boozle is way down, but that's obvious, as he forgot two questions. I wonder what place he would've gotten if he would've done those last two.
    There were actually more people who forgot them though, but I noticed it in most cases, asked them, and got responses in time. Next time I'll keep in mind to list how many questions there are at the top of the post, so there's less chance people will miss something.
    I'm still quite confused how you would miss two questions at all, though (it probably has to do with them not having normal Feud scoring)
    As you see I quoted the people who had something interesting with their answer, I'll keep doing that.

    Phew, this actually took a lot of time and effort! It was certainly fun, though. I'll do round 2 as well, after that other people can have a take at hosting one as well.
    Look forward to seeing the next round this Sunday, when I'll also host my Curve Fever 2 tournament! :)

    Oh, and here is an Excel spreadsheet with the results. You can mess with it if you'd like. For some reason you can't attach Excel files, so you can download it from Google Drive.

    You're now permitted, and in fact even encouraged, to talk about the questions from this particular round. Like: why you chose some particular answer, or which results you found interesting.
  6. Lookin' good! ;)
    SecureCheese and 607 like this.
  7. Yas, seventh place! That was fun :)
    607 likes this.
  8. Can't wait for the next round :D
    You did really well with sorting out all the scores, 607 :)
    607 likes this.
  9. That was pretty fun! :D Thanks for hosting, 607. :) I look forward to future rounds. And hey, I didn't do to bad this time around! :p I was actually considering writing Toyota as a car company, but I didn't know if anyone else would say it. Oh, well! :p
    SecureCheese and 607 like this.
  10. Never watched the show, but this looks like fun, so count me in for round 2!
    ShelLuser, 607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  11. Wow, I just realised: jelle68 has 6.68 points :eek:
    BabyCreepersRule likes this.
  12. Sounds cool. :) Count me in whenever the next round begins.
    607 likes this.
  13. Cool, I won. :) This was fun. I will certainly be participating, again, in the future.
    607 and hashhog3000 like this.
  14. Round 2 (host: 607, 12 questions)

    The first 9 questions are scored via normal Feud scoring (number of people who said your answer divided by number of people who said the most popular answer)
    1. Name a language that's not Mandarin.
    2. Name a sense.
    3. Name a contribution team member.
    4. Name a Beta Minecraft update.
    5. Name a funny letter from the English alphabet.
    6. Name a Nintendo console.
    7. Name a language that's not English.
    8. Name a passive Minecraft mob.
    9. Name a hostile Minecraft mob.
    10: Mob Arena.
    Choose either your answer from question 8 or question 9, so either the passive or the hostile mob.
    You'll be using this mob in a mob arena with the following layout:
    ~  [  A  ][  B  ][  C  ][  D  ]
    [1][     ][     ][     ][     ]
    [2][     ][     ][     ][     ]
    [3][     ][     ][     ][     ]
    [4][     ][     ][     ][     ]
    Everyone's mobs will be put in the arena, in the spots they want it to. Then every mob will move simultaneously, one move at a time, up, down, left or right. They all move five times. At the beginning, and after each move, if two or more mobs are in the same spot, they'll be eliminated and are out of the game, unless they're both the same mob. For every move your mob survives, you get 0.2 points.
    Now, first, choose the spot where you want your mob to start. Examples are (A2), (C1) and (D4).
    Then, write down the sequence you want your mob to walk. You can go either Up, Down, Left or Right. It can not walk out of the mob arena. Examples are DLURD, URRRD and LRUDR.
    So, an example answer for question 10:
    11. Guess how many mobs will survive the mob arena (1 point if you're correct, 0.5 points if you're one off, 0.25 points if you're two off).
    12. Guess how many mobs will survive the mob arena (normal Feud scoring).

    Have fun, everyone!
    Pm your answers to 607.
    If you have any questions about the questions, pm 607. Just be sure to not post anything about the questions in the thread before the round's over.

    ShelLuser and hashhog3000 like this.
  15. Just sent mine in :)
    607 likes this.
  16. Why is it that I automatically want to guess answers that weren't guessed at all? Haha, looks great, may give this a try later :)
    607 likes this.
  17. I think I know what you mean, haha! Like, you want to give an original answer, while you should give a main-stream one.
    SecureCheese likes this.
  18. Exactly! Haha, got it in one :)
  19. I don't get the mob arena part... Could you explain it further to me?
  20. Please pm me the answers to the other questions, and then ask about questions 10-12 in that pm. I shouldn't talk about the contents of questions in this thread.