I believe this should be added to the website as its own division. In here people from all of the smp's could list the jobs they want people to get done. I believe this would be a great addition to the forums on the website.
Maybe not a separate forum, but I think the Products, Businesses and Services forum should be regulated better. All posts should be tagged either as: [ B ] (without spaces) for business, a megathread for everything being provided by a certain business and info about that business. [W/H], for want/have, the title would be in the following format: '2 DCs of Stone Slabs/10,000r', where the first item is what the player wants, and the second is what the player has. It could be expanded to jobs, by simply posting 'Labour/Money'. All other Minecraft servers do this or something like this, it just makes the forum look a tad bit messy otherwise. Subforums might also be useful to sort these out.
Not a bad idea. It would be pretty cool to implement those tags to make things easier. Similar to Auction tags, we gotta get people to use them...