Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. EMC no workie for me. Wont ping the server, but yet other server connects fine so I know its not my end.
  2. Ya I keep getting booted too. Much laggy and unhappiness. This hole isn't digging itself :p
    just_five_fun likes this.
  3. Everyone on SMP4 keeps getting kicked. The last time I got kicked the game crashed so hard that even though I closed out of Minecraft completely the background music kept playing on my computer. :confused:
  4. Same here with smp8
  5. Maybe a DDoS? SMP6 have the same problem.
  6. ...and utopia.
  7. maybe the server computer got mauled by a polar bear
  8. I see issues communicating to Mojang, but wondering if Bungee just needs a good restart, so I have scheduled a restart for them.
  9. Or... it got scared by the mantis shrimp.
    bluebiscuit2007 likes this.
  10. That is definitely a possibility..
  11. Seems ok now
  12. Did not know @ did Minecraft, you truly do learn something everyday. Destiny + Minecraft.... WOW. Mind=Blown

    Edit: Im kidding... :)
  13. Interesting.. that was due to a cache expiring. A cache expiring shouldn't be triggering errors like this.
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  14. I get this error as well Aikar. Not all the time, but maybe once a day or once every other day.
  15. Yeah I see it often in the logs. I dont want to disable cache though, as it boosts the websites speed by having it on. (The forum index loads 33% faster)
    AmusedStew likes this.
  16. I sometimes clear the wiki's cache when I'm changing wiki templates, which sometimes leads me to that error (could be why logs have 'so many' errors), however it shouldn't alter the website's cache (as far as I know, at least) and I haven't messed with templates for a few days now.
  17. Cache is the CPU's short term memory right?
  18. And it happened again, this time going to a profile.
  19. Wiki cache was a separate entity. I found there was a system wide level for the forums cache option to enable which I did. the errors clearly state "this cache expired" which should be more of a debug log and not an error log.
  20. hmm, what's the issue here, am I missing something?
    607 likes this.