[Forum Game] New Nations 2

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by synth_apparition, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. To make it easier and be more organised I have created a website for New Nations 2. It uses a database and stuff so if you need something added just PM me or quote me.

    Check it out here: http://nfell2009.uk/nn2/

    I will be working on accounts which means people can add their own maps and stuff.
    607, SEPTHEKID and fluffinator09 like this.
  2. Where is NES under countries? :confused:
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  3. Fixed :p My bad

    plz dont go 2 war wit me :(:(:(
    SEPTHEKID and boozle628 like this.
  4. New Kalmar has created the 'Space Weapon Treaty'. Due to the recent strides taken towards the stars by many of the largest superpowers of Earth, there is a threat of space weapons. The New Kalmar President has stated that these weapons would be a threat to humanity's continued survival, the continued peace of the world, a threat to the habitability of the Earth, they would be a dishonorable method of fighting wars, and should be prevented from ever existing in the first place. Signers of this treaty agree not to put any weaponised satellites into orbit, never to construct them, and if these two previous statements are ignored - never to use them and disarm them immediately, or else they will face severe consequences.

    New Kalmar
    South East Asian Alliance
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  5. While it doesn't have a space program, the SEAA signs the treaty anyhow.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  6. We have long since finished our naval fleets and ocean based defenses, as well as our nuclear research program. A nuclear power plant is scheduled to be finished before 1963. We have also begun researching jet aviation(7 turns).

    Sure thing, but were not labeled on the world map either. :(
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  7. We, also without a space program as of yet, shall sign the treaty.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  8. The world map is managed by SoulPunisher. But boozle was saying about the nations list: http://nfell2009.uk/nn2/nations.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  9. JUST TO CLARIFY: The year is 1957.

    Blame me for that :p

    Escapist I, New Kalmar's first satellite (and the first 'canon' one :p), has been launched. It completed a full orbit of Earth and sent back important data. Some of this data includes the approximate complete width of the planet - measurements are slightly flawed and the data isn't completely accurate, however. It will remain in orbit until it decays in the 2070's and may even be able to be detected on FM radios until the early 2000's, and possibly later.

    Escapist II, the nation's second satellite, was also launched a week after Escapist I. It contained two insects, two mice, and two frogs and monitored important information about them; such as their blood pressure, heart-rate, and breathing pattern. It completed several orbits before it was brought back safely to the ground through water landing in the Atlantic Ocean and retrieved.

    The New Kalmarian government has also authorized the construction of Escapist III and Escapist IV. Escapist III will do the same as Escapist II, but with a single dog. It will take 10 posts to construct. Escapist IV will do the same as Escapist II and III, but with a chimpanzee instead. IV will take 10 posts to plan out and 7 to construct.

    The original plan for Escapist III - to build a space telescope - has been stored away for a different satellite design to be built when cameras can be made better.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  10. The RoC would like to enter a joint space program with New Kalamar.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  11. NES has finally finished the construction of the first nuclear power plant, despite certain setbacks reached during construction. This lowers electricity prices all across NES as well as coal prices.

    The large-scale calculator has also finished being built. Named "Sally" after it's designer, it has been measured at record breaking speeds of 22 hertz, or twenty two calculations per second! (Lol not quite sure accurate that is 1950's wise but couldn't find anything on the Internet...)

    In the mean time, NES begins campaigning to replace radios with color televisions developed in the east. This will offer an amazing form of entertainment, motion picture, to be in everyday households!

    And finally, we have launched (no pun intended) a top secret plan to send a satellite up to take a picture of the earth and send the picture down to us using the combination of radio and computers. A picture of earth will be the first of it's kind. The as this is no small project, we expect this to take the duration of (15 posts)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  12. The ER has successfully launched its first rocket and satellite after extensive delays. Using the technology developed for the space program (which is still continuing), the ER plans to develop long range intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. This program will take 20 posts.

    The ER is also developing new generation nuclear power systems, intended for use in ships and in civil power plants. This will take 15 posts. These power plants will be used in new generation warships being developed. This will take 18 posts.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  13. Atomic bomb = Completed.
    The Soviet Union finally launches a man into space, however the journey is cut by a day when oxygen supplies turn out to not be sufficient for a full voyage. However, the man has got into space.

    I'd also like to start work on a secret project, although I'll tell Soul what it is.
    Secret Project(15 Posts)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  14. Name: Glorious New Kazzohstan.
    Participating Countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Greece.
    National Language: Engrish.
    Government Policies: Dictatorship, strong populism, no religion, Keskerakond is love and life, priority is to make people love us (by brainwashing them) and trying to dominate markets with something something.

    Backstory: Baltics unrelevant, Baltics united, Kim-Gangsta Borat took over, Greece so bankrupt and debt while Eesti debt so low, Glorious New Kazzohstan bought Greece. Keskerakond so populistic, Borat gladly put them in power too.

    Emer gawd I managed to post this ;-;
  15. Its 1957, Kitten. The first man wasn't put into space until 1961.

    New Kalmar will take this proposal into consideration.
    SEPTHEKID and fluffinator09 like this.
  16. Glorious New Kazzohstan requests ER, New Kalmar and Sebia to allow construction of "Maximo Supermarket" brand chain in their capital cities.

    Glorious New Kazzohstan has begun constructing new coal mine labelled as "Savisaar Gold". (9 posts)
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  17. Construction authorized :3
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  18. When can I launch it?
    Because since I'm on Moderator Watch and I don't fancy my chances of being removed for a while, usually whenever I get my post running I usually get beaten and then told that "they were first".
    SEPTHEKID likes this.
  19. You may build in all PA capital cities.
    SEPTHEKID and mba2012 like this.
  20. 1959 at the earliest - 1960 would be more ideal.

    Moderator watch?

    New Kalmar has also sent the Escapist III satellite into space! The dog was returned safely to Earth and both it and its owner were given medals. The capsule, along with Escapist II's, is now being shown in the newly opened New Kalmar Space Museum.

    Escapist IV has also began construction and will be completed in 7 posts.
    SEPTHEKID likes this.