You must understand that the majority of players on Minecraft are of the younger age bracket. This game appeals to many people of all ages, but in the end video games are still a children/young adult medium and typically the internet is their main source of interaction which does not yield positive social skills.. That is why you get such an insane amount of immaturity. The anonymity of the internet guarantees that no matter the age, if the person is immature they are going to act out much worse when no one can prove who they really are. The typical internet nuisance does not usually act in such a magnified ignorant manner when face to face with other people because there is no way for them to hide behind an avatar and/or screen name and act like a complete jerk to others. They hide because they are cowards and they are attracted to large communities because they will get the most exposure for their immature actions. You give credence to their actions by making comments and posting messages pertaining to their exploits. It brings them a sense of satisfaction. It is completely antisocial behavior but it is fostered by the internet age. Also, you must take in to consideration that I and every single other Staff Member here is a volunteer not an employee. We have real lives with real jobs and real responsibilities. We give up most of our free time to address players problems in game. I am in the Army, I give up all of my free time because I am currently separated from my family. I can guarantee you I would never have found EMC and been such a large contributor to the community if this weren't the case for the last 7 months. You all take advantage of our ability to perform our jobs and continually criticize our efforts because you feel we don't do "enough" for you. Our 22 current staff members make up only ~0.08% (exactly: 0.07864726700747149%) of the 27,973 registered members of this community. We have 10 servers running 24/7 with a 99.89% up time. We have lost 2 Senior Staff over the last 200+ days to the overwhelming stress of being in this position for a hobby. It is not a simple task. If I hadn't been here when we were still SMP1 with a Utopia world alongside Wasteland and Wilderness, I would have declined a Staff position as well. So, take into consideration that if we make up less than .08% of the community, that means we fit an extremely high criteria to be in that position and therefore should be shown the proper respect. We aren't picked like lottery numbers or "seniority" or anything of that nature. We are picked based on the merits of our character. We do a job that most of you do not understand and would not be able to handle. I love being a staff member here and I do it with pride. I sacrifice my free time and my play time to be able to contribute to the community more than I do to playing the game any more. I do not regret it. I love it wholeheartedly. My only point is, show your staff some respect and do your part. We gave you the tools, use them. /report /ignore /ch off /tell /ch L /ch S Town Utopia If these aren't enough, there is an entire world outside your window, go communicate with the people right outside of it.
Not to criticize, but /ch s is for Moderators I believe and is not accessible by us. Perhaps you meant /ch t ?
Wrong you are my friend. /ch S is for Supporters. We have our Staff line at /ch M for Moderators Also, I love how you criticize what you felt may have been a mistake without actually commenting on anything else in my post... Thanks, some of it was directed at people with that attitude. You all take advantage of our ability to perform our jobs and continually criticize our efforts because you feel we don't do "enough" for you.
Twitch1 said it all. Being a moderator is very time consuming , it isn't as glamorous as it looks and it's a lot more work then you could ever imagine as a player. You get criticized for every single decision you make by people that aren't aware of the finer details or the reasons behind your actions.
Ahh sorry about that. I don't know everything, as I've only been here for a few days. My apologies That's also why I cannot say much as I have not been here long enough, that is why I could not really say much about what you said :v
Not everybody under 18 is that immature... If you want immature, go to a Hunger Games server. Those are 10X worse than EMC.
I want to point out another fact, that I know a player in game who helped Jordan and I build the Empire MineCast HQ. He is one of the more helpful players we have come across yet. For his sake I'm not telling you WHO he is but I will say that he was afraid to tell us his age, but he did anyway. HE IS 11 YEARS OLD. I must say, I was a little more than dumbfounded. Also, I would comment on the Mod topic, but everything that needed to be said has been said already. Thanks Twitch
I feel like everyone is pointing fingers at me because i made the thread.. i wasn't being disrespectful to moderators i am sorry if it seemed like I was. Now I feel bad for bringing it up. Thank you twitch clearing things up. I should of chose my words more clearly about what i have said in the thread. I know moderators take there time out of there daily lives to be on here to provide us with a fun and healthy server. Sorry for everything.
Kells, You have nothing to feel bad about. These forums are here for members to express their concerns and offer suggestions in an open and healthy environment. Your original topic was thoughtful and inspired a lot of spirited discussion. If anything, you should be proud that your thread generated so much traffic. You could have been totally ignored and then where would you be. Still frustrated and still have no idea why there was no 18+ server. People will always criticize. This is true of forums where people don't have to see you in person but this also happens in the real world too. It's human nature. Don't shy away from it, expect it going in and you'll be just fine. I welcome more thoughful posts by members like you.
Thank you. that means alot, i was bashing myself there for a few mins.. I know I just wish I had put more thought into what I had said. I am glad people had shared there thought's and idea's on this thread. Thank you again
see...... THIS right here is what utopia is for. i don't see a 11-14 year olds bogging that server down, because their parents aren't going to pay for a supporter slot. ... there is hardly anyone on utopia chat. and it is soooooo peaceful and nice.
Utopia is nice and all , but it's not too great for serious shop owners. Some players have the misconception that they can't log on that server.
That is true, I am working on a very big shop right now and trying to get it up and running so I need chat open.
no need to pay for a Ventrilo guys, I have a voice chat server would be nice if it got some use It's called Mumble and its free and nicer Server address: (default port, I dont know it, dont fill it in) I will make a channel per server