Smp1 is going crazy -_-

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MissKells, Apr 9, 2012.


Vote if you want a server for adults only

Yes ! 16 vote(s) 43.2%
No. 14 vote(s) 37.8%
I don't Care 7 vote(s) 18.9%
  1. Dununununununu.... CakeBoss is here to save the day! :D
  2. Sounds like a plan.
  3. I would absolutely love a Ventrilo server. :) I was actually going to suggest that Justin got one for EMC
    Kells18 likes this.
  4. Yes unsquarable that would be awesome ! i love vent (but no headset) but can still talk. I love chatting to fellow EMC friends but the chat always gets so crazy and its hard to find the persons last msg
  5. Justin would probably have a serperate one for Admins and Moderators that we wouldnt be able to get into. :p Just saying
  6. No need for that. In Ventrilo you can setup channels and give access perms to each channel as well as passwords, etc.
  7. Oi! About the chat system now that you mention it. It would be really nice if you could turn on a private chat, so you could still private msg ppl, without getting all the town chat crap inbetween your private msgs? :)
  8. I'm sure justin and the moderators already have enough on their plate , i think we can handle moderating each other. Any suggestions on the amount of slots?

    You can private chat in ventrilo as well.
  9. Just go with a small 20 slots for now :p
    Kells18 likes this.
  10. lol World of Warcraft (if anyone has played that) Ya or have like tabs of friends and message them in game instead of coming on the website all the time.
  11. I'd like to say that maturity does not come with age. Keeping it "18+" wouldn't stop people from cussing. In fact, it would probably lead to MORE cussing since people would start to believe that, well because there are no youngsters on, why can't we swear? Then keep in mind that younger players can lie about their age on the internet. If they're found out somehow, (like on Skype or Teamspeak) it would be difficult to prove to us mods. Thus a new problem would arise for us moderators to handle, one that should not need to be handled.

    tl;dr Your point is null and void.


    The 17 Year old Moderator.
  12. unsquarable - You mean that only ppl with a private invite would be able to join, or am I getting you wrong? :)
  13. Ya just go with a small amount i hate being in a huge group and trying to talk over people -_- i just want some close friends to chit chat to (if unsquarable wants to be my friend :p)
  14. Oh no , i'd keep it open. I don't like "special clubs". But players can request a private channel for themselves if needed.
  15. What did all everybody else but unsquarable do to you? D:
  16. lol Thanks mystery and ya i was just kind of ranting and seeing what others thought. The 18+ server was a idea at the time but i am going to admit thinking about it now is really dumb. Thanks for the feedback though
    Green_Mystery likes this.
  17. The size doesn't really matter , you can create as many channels as you want , it doesn't really feel crowded. I'll check with my buddy tomorrow morning , i can't remember if he only hosts Teamspeak. ( The ventrilo license is more expensive )
  18. unsquarable you should set it up right now :) Just saying
  19. First hour tomorrow morning ;)
  20. :) Keep us posted !