[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. I fly back to my cave and continue digging. (Plz continue with my story.)
  2. "I suppose..." She stops you. Look. She points to a deer.
    You find yourself falling into a mine. Orcs are jumping at you.
  3. "Oh! I saw one of those animals before! It ran away though.."
  4. Is this Moria all over again?! <--Ha ha) I kill the orcs.
  5. I growl to myself as we near the edge of the forest "Ugh, this place goes on forever" I try to keep a steady pace, jumping every so often in an attempt for my human form to come back. But so far, no such luck. I glance at Ace, suddenly curious "Whats your story, anyway?"
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  6. You finally land. You black out. You wake up in chains.
  7. I hesitate before answering. "Well, -" I am cut off when something jumps from the woods on one side, grabs me, and takes me in on the other side. (Heh heh heh)
    AliceF3 likes this.
  8. "Ouch" I try to break the chains.
  9. An orc calls to you. "There's no way out." He sneers.
  10. (Sneaky devil)

    It takes me a split second to recover from the shock. I shake my head furiously and leap after Ace
  11. I lie there thinking of ways to escape and listen to the orcs conversation. (If there is one.)
  13. because wabbits are from wakfu
  14. is this how I see my race?
  15. oh, yeah it is
  16. so what do I do?
  17. You fill out the application in the first post of the thread, and wait until princebee replies to it with the start of your story.
  18. (Nope, they're talking to you)
  19. I try to free myself from the creature, but am unsuccessful.
    AliceF3 likes this.
  20. (Oh, okay)I wait for a while.