[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. I am sending everyone a private chat with the name that they have been given to give a gift to.

    Please, remember the rules of the event and do not hesitate to ask if there are any questions.

    Do not share names with anyone else.

    You have all of December, UNTIL Christmas, to get a gift for the name you have been given.

    Please have fun, and enjoy, the holidays! :D <3 XD
    Rainbowpony1000 and Kaizimir like this.
  2. yay
  3. I didn't get a PM.. awwww
  4. Sorry colepuncher. :( I left a good amount of posts up here in the forums thread for the Secret Santa event. Also, think of it this way... You may not have gotten in to the names category the way you were hoping to, but you can always join in next year, and also think up some good gift ideas for your Secret Santa! :D
  5. Official announcement

    I am sorry to inform you that recent events draw a shadow on the city. Several minor griefing attacks on the redstone parts of our farms/rails and disappearance of several chests of (valuable) materials pose a real burden on the community.
    In case the workings of the outpost are not clear to everybody, here a short summary about materials and ownership:

    1. The Delivery Room
    • Never take materials from the auction zone!
    • Never take materials from the project support zone!
    • Materials in the delivery zone are destined for the corresponding job poster and nobody else!

    2. The common storage and sorter
    • Only members of Carthaga can use the storage
    • These materials are not meant for personal gain, stocking of shops or any other commercial use
    • Always refill the stocks
    • Be reasonable and modest, taking big amounts (depending on material) needs approval by the committee or me

    3. Transportation
    • If you transport materials from the transportation areas in Carthaga or in the smp-town towers, make sure to deliver them accordingly

    4. Reports
    • We will from now on report any minor damage that occurs, especially when redstone is involved
    • If by accident you broke something and for whatever reason you cannot repair it, leave a sign with your name there and pm me immediately. Otherwise a ban from EMC is very probable
    • If a report is filed with a moderator, I need to be immediately informed to prevent double reports

    I can only call on the People of Carthaga to stand together and protect what we have created.

    Thank you and now let's get back to Secret Sergeant Santa and the presents he brought :)
  6. That seriously makes me want to leave carthaga. I am serious. I AM NOT GOOD AT NOT MISCLICKING. D:
  7. You can always try to repair it or send me a pm. Most redstone parts are hidden too. You must first break a block before you can reach the redstone. So it shouldn't be a big problem to avoid destroying the circuit.
    colepuncher likes this.
  8. I didn't get a pm either, .... Awe well no presents to ppl of carthaga from me :(
  9. I am happy to hear you are interested in our city and sorry for the late reply. Many of our members live on smp4, including myself, which is practical for some reasons. For exmple, if you want to get some stuff from smp-town to Carthaga you need to go back to smp-town no matter if you are on smp4 or any other server. Maybe you would be able to get hold of a res on another server for your not Carthaga related business?
    If you still think it is a hassle, I would like to invite you to be our guest and come to at least visit us from time to time.
    Suriyakeng and Rainbowpony1000 like this.
  10. I have some really bad news.

    I got griefed/stolen:
    -Ham hacker
    -Silk touch unbreaking III
    -6 cooked turkey
    -ALL my iron
    -my diamonds
    -All my other things of worth, except he/she missed a feast for a king

    I think the stuff is worth about 30k :/
    I am a bit sad now, because a bunch of it was for my 1000th day drop party
    Patr1cV likes this.
  11. Sorry to hear that Haastregt :(
    Kaizimir and Airgasious like this.
  12. Wow... I'd lock all my chests now if I were u, I'm really sorry, report to a staff member? Hope that 1r donation helped at least :)
  13. Haastregt - i can cough up 6 cooked turkeys, some iron (how much you loose), mmmm maybe a diamond :) (kinda stingy :) ) ... not sure if i got a spare silk touch sitting around and the ham hacker (sad face) sorry your on your own there. Hope staff gets to bottom of it for you
    Kaizimir likes this.
  14. I am sorry for all the loses and am really sad that we have to go through this again. It is not the first time and won't be the last time. Until then please lock all your valuables. I will also include this in the next version of the starter's guide.

    Unfortunately staff can't do much about thievery :(

    But...the guy made a mistake, haha. Look at this:

    Somebody griefed the wall next to the stairs and left a message. Now we will get him.
    I reported it and hope we won't have troubles in the next time. As a security measure I blocked the doors to our chests. You can break them to get in, but you have to close it again after leaving. Don't forget.

    I have a second ham hacker for you :)
  15. xD what was the message?
  16. It is on the wooden sign: boom - clearly a griefer
  17. Yes, staff can see who placed the sign.
  18. Thank you guys, that is very kind of you. I hope we will catch that griefer soon (probably all of us do). By the way, someone should check if the sign is still there, because if it is removed we know that the griefer is reading the forums.
    Patr1cV likes this.
  19. haas, i know where all your stuff is
    Hex022103 and Suriyakeng like this.
  20. Official announcement

    We caught the griefer of the portal room and the player got banned. We know now that the same player has caused more damage in Carthaga. But because we cannot know if this player is also the thieve, the security measures for our storage stay in place. Sorry for the inconvenience.