[Est. Outpost] People of Carthaga (PoC)

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Kaizimir, May 18, 2014.

  1. And here is the second mistake:
    Now we also know that griefer and thieve are the same person.

    Hex022103, I ask you to leave this thread and not to come back. If you want to get completely banned, please just ask staff and they can remove you also from the forums.
  2. 901th post and i hope no-one else gets robber or griefed but we will catch them who ever they are!
  3. we'll do better with the 1000th post ;)
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  4. Hey guys sorry about not being on often lately...:( My grandma was in the hospital for a while thx for being patient. I plan on being more active unless something else happens ;)
  5. Hex, The fall of Carthaga will not come as we have many member's to back you and your fake play little friend's off .

    If you dare to threaten us one more time - Staff will be involved with your connection to the forum's
  6. Dude, like what did we ever do to you? We don't deserve your threats, it's not our fault u got banned, and I dont really care anyways, u griefed and stole, u got what u deserve.
    BlueVault13 likes this.
  7. Please just ignore his posts. It will be dealt with. Don't make it a pleasure for the player to get banned.
  8. I agree Rainbow.
    Rainbowpony1000 likes this.
  9. :O ur alive!! :) :) :)
  10. Lighthouse
    Is Now Finished!!!

    I couldn't of done it without:

    Rainbowpony1000-main builder

    Kaizimir-supplied quartz & clay for this project

    Nighthawk031-oringional builder of this project

    Johnsface101-donated a whole DC of Quartz block, and a lot of glowstone & helped me with some building

    Suriyakeng-donated heaps of quartz and glowstone & some clay

    Crafter31211-built the stairs inside the lighthouse

    Airgasious-donated a lot of glowstone and heaps of quartz block and clay

    Electric_Red21-donated redstone and glowstone

    thank you to everyone who helped in this project, I am very greatful :)
    Kaizimir and Airgasious like this.
  11. Do we just having a nemesis now?
  12. I'll have a go at the street and district names, once I've planned it out, I'll send Kai a PM with the map :)
    Kaizimir likes this.
  13. OMG wait hex, the new person in carthaga, griefed us and stole our items? If so I want my items back -.-
  14. Look who have got pranked today :)
  15. Lol tel john to jump
  16. I was doing that, but I havent finished it and I kind of dont have a lot of time to do that for some time, so no problem you an just do that.
    Patr1cV and Airgasious like this.
  17. Not anymore, I believe Hex is banned in-game. If his threats of the "Fall of Carthaga" continue, he will be removed from the forums.

    Also, I am sorry that we have to have people like Hex in EMC. They can be very troublesome. And I'm not just talking about griefing, I'm talking about threats. I believe that the threats are worse than the griefing.
    Scorpio528 and Airgasious like this.
  18. Omg yes!!!!! Wooo!!!! Now just break the block.. Hehehe..
  19. Momentus alert! 2014-12-06_20.38.02.png 2014-12-06_20.45.11.png 2014-12-06_20.39.07.png 2014-12-06_20.45.42.png 2014-12-06_20.47.34.png
    John and me were building when a messega came up: The ground starts shaking
    John saw the momentus right before his house, it was harder than we thought because he had a lot of assistance and everytime teleported you (did a lot of damage).
    Lucky septhekid and harsh3000 came by and harsh killed him. Got two dragon stone fragments from that.
    Tumbnail photos are chat photos
    Patr1cV, SepTheKid and RainbowPony like this.
  20. P.o.C -S.W.A.T

    Since the pass few days carthaga has been griefed and threaten by EMC player's.
    Me and toby have had a idea about 'Carthaga Swat' To protect carthaga from these kinda things.

    We are asking for a team of 6-10, So if you would like to apply go to:

    We would like highly skilled player's and player's that would not give up,
    But mostly we would like players that are online a lot to keep a eye out.

    As a member of Carthaga Swat Team you must follow the following rules:
    • Always be respectful to others
    • Never give up on a crime scene
    • You still have to follow EMC rules ( /rules )
    • Always tell Kaizimir of any griefings
    • Try not to break the block's that are around the crime scene
    • Do not take this as a joke
    Members list of Carthaga Swat team: (*= Sr.Officer)("=Officer)

    1. SEPTHEKID *
    2. Toby316625 *
    3. Tehrandomx "
    4. Rainbowpony1000"
    5. SweetCutey "
    6. 5corpio528(Scorpio528) "
    7. BabyCreeperRules "
    8. Suriyakeng "
    9. Ashblue789 "
    10. Hasstregt "
    Some Pic's of the team:

    So good luck to all and be safe
    Kaizimir likes this.