[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. "He-Yeah, thanks..." I stand up.
  2. "They have them over there." he points to a buffet table.
    "So, how did you get here of all places?"
  3. (where is everyone?) I fly as a dragon to the nearest (new) player.
  4. "Uh, hi, I guess," I reply. "My name's Blaze, but... That's pretty much all I can remember about myself. Other than, you know, shooting fire out of my hands." I look up at the roof next to us and point at it. "That's where I found myself," I say.
  5. Um Princebee, can you do mine please :p
  6. "Okay."

    I walk up to the buffet table, still helplessly looking at the man while walking.
  7. :oops:

    "We have a couple rooms above here, but there's a nicer inn a little ways away."
    "Umm..." He looks kind of awkwardly.
  8. I believe you forgot something.;)
  9. :oops::oops:
    (Um, could you specify a location? :3)
    "Hmm. You look... strange, is everything alright?"
    ParodyMaster6 likes this.
  10. Uhh, maybe another nocromancer oor animal guy thing :oops::confused:
  11. location?
  12. I leave the bar and go looking for the inn, on the way there I find ring on the floor, I pick it up and put in my pocket.
  13. So, what does the buffet table contain?
    AliceF3 likes this.
  14. You arrive at the inn. "Hey. Want a room?"
    (that's a question for him, right?)
  15. Whoops, sorry, I forgot the purple colour :oops:
    AliceF3 likes this.
  16. I'm not sure... I was in a hole... (? What do I do???)
  17. Ummmmm, where can I go?
  18. 607 likes this.
  19. So, this means it was a question to you.
    AliceF3 likes this.
  20. "Weird. Do you need something?"
    oops, missed yours
    it has pancakes, waffles, toast, oatmeal, and fruit.