[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. (heyheyhey, the guys don't necessarily attack you)
    A man walks up. "What the hell?!?"
  2. :)
  3. There are some people in the corners, and sitting at tables.
  4. (Ok, sorry.)
    I'm slightly taken aback. This is not the reaction I expected from these men. "Did I... interrupt something?"
  5. I stare into its eyes... Wait, are those eyes?
  6. "What the hell did you do that for?!?"
    It screams.
  7. I keep standing still, looking at the man who brought me here.
  8. Taken aback, I fall.
  9. "Well, ummmm..." I stammer, "I, uh, kinda found myself on the roof next to you, and I have no clue where I am or who you people are."
  10. Want to get something?
    It begins to come towards you....
    "And why did you try to KILL US?!?"
  11. I scramble, trying to get up.
  12. You slip. It comes closer. As you crawl away, a shot it heard. It's head explodes.
    herocrafter2912 likes this.
  13. "Yes."

    "Yes please."
  14. I turn around to see a man.. no, a woman? They are holding a gun.
  15. I sigh, in an attempt to calm myself down. "Well, I guess I just over reacted," I replied. "I mean, no offense, but you guys look pretty evil, what with you trotting around like that looking like you're protecting something." I stifle a chuckle. "And no one got hurt, right?"
  16. "Well, they have pancakes, cereal, what do you want?"
    She approaches. "Hey. You looked like you needed some help."
  17. "Well, my shoulder is a tiny bit burned, plus my jacket got a hole through it. But I suppose that's fine. I'm Jason, by the way."
  18. "Okay. Thx."
  19. *Cant lead off that*
  20. Pancakes.