[Suggestion] Reset Wastelands.

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by finch_rocks_1, Oct 20, 2014.


Do you want the waste to Reset?

Yes 46 vote(s) 82.1%
No 10 vote(s) 17.9%
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  1. :D I've been letting people know in town chat this morning, but yeah it would be good to have in-game warnings or at least a home page message.
    On the other hand, after it actually gets reset, there will probably be some mining parties sweeping through the area immediately around the outposts, so restricting news of the exact date has benefits at least.
  2. This!! this times millions!!
  3. No.

    I really don't see why we should have any sympathy for people who ignored the plethora of warnings that anything built in the Wastelands will be deleted and still decided to make bases out there.

    No, if there's another reset when we get 1.8 (which there will be), this would not be a problem.

    Oh my god! Yes! As soon as I saw this I squealed! :D You're the best, Aikar!

    Yes, commence the migration.

    That mossy stone brick is mine...
  4. Ideally we would do it quarterly. Just more of a "forgot" thing. I can't automate it due to it requiring we temporarily remove 1 plugin (AsyncWorldEdit), and things sometimes go wrong with it so I wouldn't be comfortable doing that anyways.

    Automating a world reset is not a simple matter.

    And we are exploring trying to get the frontier PRA resettable. A worldedit update broke the ability to do restores, and restoring the other day caused massive issues... so we got to look into whats going on with those in order to get frontier restored.
  5. quite simply they are wrong, its been stated numerous times that wastelands wil reset without warning and you arent even far enough to not be able to drag everything back. nothing should be built there and the people that do its just too bad so sad you cant read
    Devartete likes this.
  6. Does it really matter who's right or wrong? People's stuff is lost and they feel upset, and they worked hard for that. They deserve to be respected and heard.
    CaziCookie likes this.
  7. they should heed the warnings and not do it anyway :3 then no one would be upset over something they were told not to do :D
  8. peoples stuff wouldnt and shouldnt be lost because they should of listened to the large red text that pops up. and no noone deserves to be respected for existing thats not how it works if you arent respecting the warnings then i dont respect your meager victimhood.
    Devartete and battmeghs like this.
  9. They have warnings on the computers in the labs that pop up every time you log in saying work can be lost and the university is not responsible. Does that mean that people don't do any work on the computers? Does it mean that if a cord comes unplugged and they complain they lost an hour's work, that I will tell them 'hey there are warnings. you should have listened and not done your report'?
    CaziCookie likes this.
  10. there is an autosave feature, additionally you are comparing two different warnings. the waste does not say can be reset they say will be reset meaning do not keep anything there at all. they were kept small with the intention that noone would be too far away to make a trip back if the reset was about to happen. but yes the warning is there as a failsafe if they lose work oh well there were warnings, should of done it on the cloud which uploads automatically. a better comparison would be if the warning said downloads can be interrupted, because like minecraft if you follow the warnings you wont lose anything only cease to gain anything.
    battmeghs and Uber_Corq like this.
  11. "Can" != "Will"
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  12. Well this got off topic
  13. Doesn't matter there's a waste reset this Friday anyway.
  14. Personally, I feel like I am being attacked right now. I know you'll probably disagree, but that's how it's coming across to me.
    All I'm trying to do is see the resetting of the waste from different people's perspective. Do you HONESTLY think that everyone will be in agreement over this? I haven't seen anyone protest so far, or voice other concerns, so I thought I should be the one to offer another perspective. I was ok when you corrected me the first time, because you were right, but when I AGREED with you and tried explaining why I said that, you attacked me more, and it made me feel upset :/
  15. p
    people never agree on anything its a fundamental principle that people find ways to reason why their wrong way is the correct one. that doesn't mean we should cater to those however. if you felt attacked that is your own perogative i never mentioned your name only responded to your own examples without the use of ad hominem
  16. On the contrary people often agree on many things?
    CaziCookie likes this.
  17. He means unanimously.
  18. Of course. Why have a nice response when you can use big words as another form of putting me down. Thanks.
    Whatever, I'll just ignore this feed to avoid future conflict, because apparently opinions aren't allowed.
  19. never really used any big words, at least not for me but ill elaborate the ones i think you are talking about, perogative essentially means your right (or privilege), while ad hominem means argumentative criticism (aka a personal attack that contributes nothing to the issue). what i said in the post was as follows in the most lay-man terms i can muster: if you felt attacked thats on you, i was merely engaging/participating in active discussion.

    now here is the most "attacking" thing i will say in this entire thread: if you cannot debate without feeling attacked when someone replys then you probably should stay out of discussion/suggestion threads.
    my reply was directed towards the semi-rhetorical question that cazi submitted: Do you HONESTLY think that everyone will be in agreement over this?
    to elaborate, it is incredibly rare for everyone even in a control group to unanimously agree with something, a group as large as emc will never completely agree on anything at all even if it benefits every one of them.
    Hitagain likes this.
  20. On the contrary, I would say that unanimous agreement is incredibly common.

    Take the words you just read. We both agree on their approximate meaning. That forms the entire basis of our language. For sure, you could probably find cases where people will disagree, but they are generally not the norm for people who speak English. We know that a cat, for instance, is a furry animal with ears and whiskers, and nobody is going to get far trying to convince everyone that a cat is 10 feet tall and has a horn. If you took a control group of 100 people and asked them if a cat was 10 feet tall or had a horn, you would get an unanimous no (unless some members of that group decide to troll or something).

    For another example, take the EmpireMinecraft community. They all agreed at one point that purchasing Minecraft was more valuable than the money they spent on it. They all agreed at one point that registering an account was worth the time it took to do so. If they visit the forum regularly, they generally agree that it's worth their time to do so. In fact, everyone in this thread agreed to contribute, in a common language, about a common topic, which they obviously feel is important enough to spend the time to post.

    In fact, this fundamental agreement of goals and outcomes forms the basis of every successful team in existence, from tiny groups of friends who agree to put the interests of each other ahead of themselves to massive nations like the United States agreeing (for the most part, criminals and anarchists aside) that everyone is better off with public roads and schools.

    You just take for granted this agreement, because you don't think about it. It's like all the parts of your body that are in good working order. You didn't wake up this morning thinking 'Hey my finger doesn't hurt', but if your finger hurt, you would of course focus on that. The same way you are choosing to focus on how you disagree over this one point with us, instead of all the common things we would probably agree on.

    So I would argue that while disagreements are common, agreements are even more common and it's all about what you choose to focus on.
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