[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. I knock on the door with the people playing inside the house.
  2. Notice: porphos is no longer playing Gallia: HE QUITS! Porphos said that he stoped playing a Long time ago!
    Porphos: gives porphyrian all that he has and runs screaming through the hospital until shot
    WOW!:confused:lol I get out of bed and check myself out of the hospital. (I go back to the weapon stall-is the stall guy dead?)
  3. A man comes to the door. "Hello?"
    (umm... that isn't going to happen, just because someone quits doesn't mean you get his stuff)
    (so basically, porphos is non-existant right now)
    (yeah the guy's dead)
    You arrive at the weapons stall.
  4. I scowl at him, annoyed that he's probably right. I take a few steps away from Chaos, before curling up and resting my legs a little. But I still keep my eyes open, in fear of being carried away again
  5. I'm going to go out for a bit. If you want, there's a field to run around in over there.

    He points to a doorway.
  6. I look at the weapons and begin to choose my arsenal.
  7. There is a pistol, a knife, a sword, and a bow.
  8. I stare at him, slightly annoyed. I'm not a pup, liking to run around in fields like a kid at a birthday party. But, the prospect of green open spaces does sound rather tempting... I stand up, trying to not look very interested, before pushing through the door and bounding through
  9. Character Name: Charlie
    Character Gender: Female

    Character Class: Human
    Character Race: Anima
    Character Morality: Neutral
    Character Hometown: Crescent Light
    Character Appearance:
    Human: Animal: (Snow leopard)
    607 and AliceF3 like this.
  10. Is it too late? :3
  11. Prince is going to have to confirm this for me, but I'm pretty sure time lord isn't a class allowed
    Take the test, if you haven't already http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm <( Test

    Edit: Never too late! More people welcome whenever! :3
  12. Uh huh :p I will change it...
  13. Character Class: Human
    Haha couldn't decide what to be XD
  14. Can you please edit your posts when you want to say more things? It kinds spams up the thread
    607 likes this.
  15. Doneee....
  16. I totally forgot what I wanted to say. "I... I am quite lost. How are you?"
  17. You find yourself in a large field. You see a hill to your left, and a valley to your right.

    I walk out. It's time to take care of "business..."
    (note: character class is actually the personality test, so I suppose it would be rogue? :p)
    (also yeah time lord isn't a thing)
    You wake up. You find yourself lying on a boat. You're tied up. You see a city very close. There's a seashell to your right, and a bag to your left.
    "Um... Good, thank you? Are you looking for anyone?"
  18. Any ammunition? I take the sword, pistol, knife, and the bow. I see if there is any money left in the stall.
  19. You find a quarter lying on the ground. There is also a box of pistol ammo.