Impossible. Cannot happen. The virus has been eradicated. The vaccines are proven to NOT cause autism.
I am aware of that, but the virus has not been eradicated completely. There are still contained areas of them in labs for studying. Also, it's possible that those could break and it could spread. Nothing is really ever certain. And yes, I know that vaccines do not cause autism.
Some diseases are returning, like measles outbreaks because of one parent not having their children vaccinated; but smallpox is not returning to the U.S or anywhere else in the world. There are only a few vials of it left in the world, held in the U.S and Russia, and its been this way since the 80's (to my knowledge, the last outbreak was in 1976 in Birmingham, England.) You may be thinking of late-stage syphilis ._. (There was an outbreak in North Wales earlier this year). Nope, just the English government not being liberal in any way whatsoever.
But they aren't massive destruction weapons. They are just normal guns that any HUMAN can use, buy in the U.S.A.
That makes no sense. The labs use super strict procedures to make sure they don't break. The rooms are isolated and the labs are too. There is no way for the virus to spread.
I know; but its still illegal to buy and own a gun (you're allowed to use them in hunting grounds and with like, a bajillion licenses while under supervision, or in the army/navy/RAF Cadets) or a knife that's not a kitchen knife in the U.K.
Oops my bad i confused smallpox with measles xD See previous quote. Also there is always a way. If there wasn't a way, there wouldn't be disease. (Which, unfortunately, there are)
Smallpox is a horrible nasty disease that will hopefully never show it's face again. Even if a vaccine might contribute to a possible autistic response, if confronted with any real risk of smallpox, it would be worth the risk. The question is should children still be given a vaccine (that might have some potential for side effects) for a disease that there is not any real risk of? It's a valid question, but my kids get their shots. Hopefully 10 years from now, parents are complaining that they don't want their kids to get an Ebola vaccine because the disease is eradicated too. Still, no Ebola zombies!, it's not real, that is not what the ABC report said, it's all B.S.
Are you talking about measles or smallpox? If smallpox - no, no, no. Its strict conditions etc. disease happens because we can't control everything. Smallpox is 1 virus we can.
Please explain what you mean ._. Since Smallpox is in an isolated area, anybody who comes into contact with it has to go under strict decontamination procedures, it cannot spread. Yeah, sure, there are other diseases that haven't been eradicated so they continue to spread; but this is only because they have cures/vaccinations/nothing and can evolve/adapt at a rapid rate (like flu), and haven't been eradicated. There could also be dozens of strains of the virus/bacteria/whatever, like the common cold, so its near impossible to cure them.
A bunch of my mom's friends are like people that are ready for the zombies, they have walls full of guns, and food, aswell as bars that lock their windows, i did not belive my mom untill i was down in the summer and went over to one of their houses and i was like wow.
They are rendered immune to the strain they contracted - to be completely immune to ebola, you would have to be infected with all seven of the strains. You probably wouldn't survive through all of them From a biological standpoint, this makes me excited too! But for completely different reasons. I have a BMX bike with a flat front tire I haven't bothered to replace since I got it for my 13th birthday last year, a kitchen knife, tea and biscuits. I'm good to go. I also have a little sister.
True, but at the moment the outbreak is still considered a single strain. I don't have to run faster than the zombies, I just have to run faster than you.
I meant measles, sorry for the confusion. What I meant is that there is always human error - what can go wrong, will go wrong.