Am i too old?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by CPL0615, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. Over 18 eh? Name an important event that happened before 1992 and after 1980
  2. Skype Videcall with valid passport. :p
  3. I'm in the middle of the age area(I'm in my twenties). Though I've been gaming since I was 2-3 years old.
  4. Falklands conflict 1982?
  5. Without consulting Google, the only thing that comes to mind is Desert Storm or Clinton impeachment...
  6. i assume this would be a verification question?
    MEINCRAVTA likes this.
  7. Well this is kinda cutting the after 1980 close but Madonna started her career.
    This data is quite stunning to me... I always felt that the demographic of males 17 or younger would account for %37+ and women over 18 would be %13 or less...
  9. margaritte and Twitch1 like this.
  10. No discredit to that thought at all... My sister is much more competitive than most males who play video games, but we were raised on NES and Genesis (back when video games were challenging instead of hand holding) so we had to be brutal to win. :)
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  11. Co-op with my family and friends has always been who can mess up the other player more. Harsh but funny it is.
    Twitch1 likes this.
  12. Dr. Mario competitions FTW! :D
    JustinGuy likes this.
  13. Yeah i was raised on that, now most games are so easy its hard to find a medium between super hard and easy. Games like COD are holding your hand with easy controls and such, I don't buy into that, and get killed by a 10th prestige level 80 guy who probably plays the game every time he turns on his Xbox. Women game "Better" Because essentially, they play the easier games IMO.
  14. I remember when they promoted the type of gameplay with all those "battle tetris" type of games.
  15. Whatever helps a male feel better about being inferior. I play and win at plenty of "hardcore" games. I'll show you how good I am with my impact hammer.
  16. Number 6?

    Remember my motto!
  17. Rubbish! Don't make me put my "fat naked bearded man" avatar back up!
  18. You're going to get so much flak for saying that and also I've never seen that to be the case. You make it sound like girls are different from guys when it comes to playing videogames when in fact we are the same in the sense that most of us play for the challenge of it, not to just get by and win.
  19. I haven't come across what you would call a challenging game. Must be a male thing.
  20. That doesn't surprise me since you're an AI. I'll take that as a compliment because I don't think videogames would be as fun without a bit of a challenge :)