[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. I fly to the city. Animal Inventory: nothing

  2. Well okay, I go in then :p

    I quickly turn back and out of the door, picking Glutton up to stop him from going in. I jog back to Sonaria and the doctor, now unsure of what he wants to do
  4. (which was your starting city again?)
    You see a bar, an inn, and a hospital. You notice 2 people going into the bar.
    you arrive in a room. "The doctor will be with you shortly..."
  5. I sit down on a chair as Glutton crawls under it "It's ok boy"
    607 likes this.
  6. You hear a voice. "Hello... what seems to be the problem?"
  7. I start slighty and turn to the doctor "O-Oh" I think about what to say "Uhm, just looking for a quick health check"
  8. "alright..." he takes out a dirty syringe.
  9. I flinch backwards and stand up "Sir, I would prefer if you washed that before using it...."
    607 likes this.
  10. ?
  11. Golach
  12. Nothing Happens.
    you arrive at gates. people panic when they see you.
  13. I ask what town I am in and ask the date.
    607 likes this.
  14. The bartender replies: "You're in CrescentLight. I have no idea what the date is though..."
  15. hotel or restaurant?
  16. what?
  17. inns can be a hotel or restaurant.
  18. oh.
    hotel :oops:
  19. I ask for the best room - with cash I have from other breakouts.
    (op plz nerf)
    (I kill princebee and narrate my own story.)