[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. I leave.
  2. you're back in the square.
  3. hospital then >.<
  4. I say sure, and I go off to help him.
  5. You see someone leaving.
    The receptionist asks "how may i help you today?"
    (trying to think of something for this, sorry :/)
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  6. "Just a checkup, please."
  7. (Do I have Glutton with me?)
    I try to take the blindfold off
  8. Is he with Sinne now? If so, could you reply to me saying he enters or something alike?
  9. oh yeah xP
    you see an elf walk in.
    (you're tied up)
    you hear quiet voices.
    After the checkup, you're told "You're in perfect condition."
  10. "You certainly look like you're in perfect condition!" :)
  11. I struggle and look around, hoping to find out where the voices are coming from "Glutton!" I shout, looking for my fox
  12. you hear a voice. "Shut it!" you feel a sharp pain in your side.
    (is this to john, or....)
    After catching fish, you come back. "Thanks. Here." He pays you $20.
  13. It's to him, that's why I quoted both your post to me and your post to him :)
  14. I slouch over slightly to try and dull the pain "Where am I...."
  15. (dead end unless:)
    I exit and somehow (?) exit the square by bending something using my mind.
  16. Are you just ignoring Sinne? :(
  17. I go and look for more work.
  18. You hear voices. "when is she going to be killed?" "Not sure. couple of minutes i hope."
    you feel the ropes around your arms get looser...
    you can't find any.
  19. Where am I? With alice?
  20. (Are those 2 with me or)
    I don't move as the ropes get looser, waiting for whatever happens next. I shut my eyes, but keep them open enough for me to see in front of me
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