New Wiki brainstorming

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AlexC__, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. Also - add horizontal rules between the secondary navigation ... in the picture secondary navigation is 'frontier, nether, shop, tutorial'

    Would look like:
    <p>F Nether</p>
    <p>W Nether</p>
    edit: D: just noticed adding html code in the code adder doesn't actually show it...
    sambish20 and JaydenIrwin like this.
  2. Note to everyone that a new wiki platform is mainly designed to improve our control over the wiki platform in terms of extending it and content layout.

    Our current wiki is very restrictive and too simple, and we commonly accidently break links by changing page titles...

    we can extend a WP based wiki very easily.

    As for the theme - I agree a Xenforo theme would be ideal, but I'm worried we might not be able to achieve that as the Xenforo Theme bridge is written very badly (and it broke) and we don't have the time to do it ourselves,but note we can always update the wiki header to look very close to the forums header so it keeps consistent navigation.

    I like the sub menu idea, but that def isn't possible under current wiki platform.

    Also the icon idea is nice too. It could help with association of a category, but we don't exactly have a dedicated designer on hand for all new icons :mad:

    But hover over for sub categories like that could work.

    Also, my primary career is web dev - It's just I have to work in the restrictions of what we have in Xenforo, and redesigning the site is a major task that would divert away from what everyone really wants....
    mba2012 likes this.
  3. pff wouldn't use hr's for this, just a bottom-border would suffice :)

    But for the sub menus, we would need to place them in the same column as a hover, as not everyone has wider screens. Goal is to make the wiki responsive.
  4. If you don't do that - maybe you could have the nav on the left - and have the sub menus go to the right?
  5. One thing that people did not consider is the amount of items the wiki has.
    • Have identical items in the same page.
      • There are 2 separate pages for the Empire Firework which is frankly a waste of space seeing that they are basically the same thing. This also offers a quick go-to place for the Empire Firework.
      • Take the Minecraft Wiki for example, they do not have 6 separate pages for slabs. They have 1 page because they are all identical except for a few things.
      • Things I would like this extended onto: Birthday Cake, 60k Member Items, Empire Firework, IDay Firework, New Years Firework, Special Horses, and Staff Heads (Separate pages for different staff members to reduce confusion), 80k Armor, ICC's Birthday Suit.
    • The yellow section on the main wiki page is a bit of an eye sore for me. I cannot read the words for the first few seconds.
    • Icons
    That is about it off the top of my head.
    PenguinDJ and 607 like this.
  6. I can agree on the very similar items being grouped into 1 page. It also hurts us on SEO to have almost duplicate content.
    SkyDragonv8 likes this.
  7. I am not liking what they thing they "improved" on. Maybe I was unclear?
    My suggestion: 1 central page with different sections representing the different years/types of fireworks. Options of the central page could differ as
    1. Type of firework (Independence Day, Empire Firework, 4th of July)
    2. Year (2013, 2014, etc)
    I prefer the 1st choice. People can merely wiki "Iday Firework" and a page would pop up showing all the IDay Fireworks (separated by a border or something) with their information.

    Your "Improvement": Add yet ANOTHER page that is just useless. Sure it gives you the information but it says that one every firework page. And the page just gives you links to the fireworks which is just found on the search page.
    Am I explaining it bad? Perhaps I am.
    Just a suggestion or something. About a side-bar showing the most recent promotional item so people can have a quick reference?

    EDIT: I am not targeting Aikar only. I am targeting the people who control the wiki.
    607 likes this.
  8. Look, not everything is possible and we can't please everyone. We are working, as a team, to do what we can. Like the staff, we don't do this full time.

    We are working to improve the wiki as well as we can. It takes time to consolidate the information and then talk to the other contributors about this. There's some pages that we've been discussing for months to try and make them as good as possible. The wiki isn't just a rush job, we spend time to make sure its readable. I'm sure you've come across pages on wikipedia which are just so technical, they are unreadable. We're constantly trying to avoid things such as this. Whenever a technical update is released, it's often up to us to make the technicalities readable.

    With the current wiki, we can't easily add a sidebar to the wiki. If you want a list of the latest promotional items, the news/updates forums are there.

    Aikar is the one who controls the wiki. If you're referring to the contributors, we simply volunteer some time here and there to maintain it.
    607, SoulPunisher and FDNY21 like this.
  9. Aikar controls the Wiki. So yes, you are targeting Aikar. Not us.

    EDIT: Furthermore, your complaints and things you want added to the Wiki seem to just be made out of personal opinion. Keep in mind, not everyone shares this opinion and we need to edit things to be right for the majority of wiki users. If more people were to support your idea, we'd pay closer attention and listen more.
    PenguinDJ likes this.