New Contribution Team Members!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. Darn it krysyy! you did not give me enough time to make a suit skin for him D:
    607, deathconn and Mirr0rr like this.
  2. Oopsie daisy =P
  3. *Warning* You lose your soul when you join the contribution team. :(
  4. Ha! jokes on you I have no soul:rolleyes: lol
  5. No you don't. That only happens when you are a moderator. Contributor is the job where you are least likely to loose your soul behind Youtuber. There is an order though, form least likely to most likely

    1. YouTuber
    2. Contributor
    3. Builder
    4. Senior Staff and Lead Developer (tie)
    5. Developer
    6. Moderator
    7. Community Manager

    607 and deathconn like this.
  6. Your order makes no is the correct order

    1. YouTuber
    2. Builder or Contributor
    3. Developer
    4. Moderator
    5. Senior Staff
    6. Community Manager
    7. Lead Developer (100% chance of lost soul)
  7. So that's why Aikar requires no sleep :p
    607, QuarterStop and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  8. 1. YouTuber
    2. Builder or Contributor
    3. Developer
    4. Moderator
    5. Senior Staff
    6. Community Manager
    7. Aikar
  9. I stand by my reasoning.

    All the senior staff are very fun people who like to joke around and now that I am slowly getting to know aikar better, I can see he has a soul. Contributor and builder can be tied I guess, but who knows. Developers would be above mods if I knew them, but the only one I have had a good chat with is just_five, who has a soul present. Some mods have soul, and some don't. It tend to varies. No offense on the community manager thing, btw :p
    607 likes this.
  10. Congratulations, wisepsn! :D
    wisepsn likes this.
  11. Let's agree to disagree. This is the real order:

    1. Moderator
    2. Moderator
    3. Moderator
    4. Moderator
    5. Moderator
    6. Moderator
    7. Moderator
    mba2012, Olaf_C, bloodra1n and 4 others like this.

  12. Thanks guys! :)
  13. Hey Krsyy it appears you don't have the correct skin for wisepsn in the picture :p His skin is a suit :p
    wisepsn and Ultimamaxx like this.
  14. lol
  15. I love how wisepsn looks like he awkwardly walked into a black tie event like "sup guys? Wanna party?"
    LadBlo, 607, deathconn and 3 others like this.
  16. Sometimes I like to be different. :cool:
  17. Just love how a couple days later u add wispen on xD. Well Nice Job Wispen :)
    wisepsn likes this.
  18. Krysyy needs to update his skin so it matches :p
    deathconn likes this.
  19. I can agree with this statement :p.
  20. Congratulations (Reason I didn't say before was because I knew Krysyy had something up her dragon sleeve);)
    wisepsn likes this.