
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by spartan0405, Jul 12, 2014.

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  1. You should totally reveal. No names needed. It's needed for me to continue life
  2. Aww... Glad you got it all figured out though.
  3. I smell shenanigans. No one has ever seen the beast other than out-of-focus areas, how do you expect me to believe someone legitimately obtained his head?!

    Pic related, it's a legitimate image of Justin in all his fuzzy glory
  4. If you tell us...

  5. two*. I make it two.
  6. I, too, found the source!
    Seanawesome14 likes this.
  7. This happened a while back I found 4 Krystal heads in my junk hopper xD had to return them still I found it funny it was in my junk hopper
  8. I had one person tell me that he wanted the head and money was no object.....lol

    Cadgamer summed it up pretty well. If JustinGuy hadn't been on in almost a year and head drops have only been around for about 100 days, it seems pretty certain that head wasn't supposed to be here.

    It was really fun though!
    miner3808 and EffinBatman like this.
  9. as far as i know there are 2 of his heads on EMC, Krysyy and Ignoramoose has, them. They donated over $100 on.... Ger cant remember what day, it was some us holiday and got them.
  10. You sir, have officialy been trolled.
    technologygeek and sambish20 like this.
  11. Well, I don't think they SHOULD have Justin heads as far as I know. I know I donated some of my heads during a charity once...but if there are spawned Justin heads it was done without his knowledge. Last I heard he never spawned or wanted his head to be "out there" in the EMC world, haha.
  12. I think he is referring to when Krysyy and Kevdudeman donated $100 each to get lored versions of your head. That's the only time I have ever known of a special donation reward.
    crafter31211 and hashhog3000 like this.
  13. yes it was that, it was very fuzzy in my memory haha.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. Too lazy to read pages 2 and 3. Do you still have the head or not?
  15. No he doesn't.
  16. More like kryssy! who?

    IcecreamCow likes this.
  17. When in doubt look to see if staff have been demoted!

    Edit: never mind... I don't see any demotions...

    Edit again:

    My guess is that either Aikar was drunk and decided to be a troll, OR there was some exploiting going on.
  18. No need for conspiracy. Staff were given Justin heads at a staff meeting last year, and one of them died in the wild with it on them.
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