All of the "Sims" games!

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by ocelot3101, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. It's EA. They hype it up at the last minute in hopes that it will be too late for people to notice any flaws.
  2. I personally have never had any problems with their games. Granted I only play sims and spore and maybe one or two maddens...
  3. The flaws in a lot of EA games aren't necessary the game itself but how EA tries to cut features to be used as DLC.
  4. I knew minutes after it was announced last May :p #FacebookHelpedMeForOnceGodThisIsALongAndUnneededHashtag
  5. Currently downloading Simcity 4.

    Might be doing a "Regional Story" making each city have it's own little backstory.

    Would anyone be interested in that?
  6. That would explain it.

  7. They are taking out pools and the toddler age I heard. You'll skip from the baby to child

    Actually this theme was originally introduced during Sims 2, and taken out of during Sims 3. In Sims 2, if you had the expansions, you had the option of adding other neighborhoods and visit them, mind you had the stupid blue loading screen that took ages, but each expansion had a town that could be added (Unless it was a item-only expansion.) In sims 3, they removed this instead, and focused on real-time neighborhoods which I love. But if you wanted to add a neighborhood you couldn't, but you were allowed to leave a neighborhood to move to a different one.
  8. It was sub-neighborhoods in Sims 2.
  9. But it still allowed you to
    1. Visit other places besides the town you live in, which isn't in sims 3
    2. You kept relationships/friendships in your neighborhood. But if you move to a new town in Sims 3 you lost all friendships. Sims 2, you can move to one of those other sub neighborhoods and keep your friends.
  10. I've pre-ordered both Pokemon Platinum and Pokemon X and Y before :p
  11. Have u ever played sims pets on ds if not since u like animals re recommend u have a look
  12. "From SimCity 4 to Sims 4"....Why exclude us old people that played the original SimCity back in 1989? You bunch of whimper snappers! Back in my day, we had Bowser-attacks in SimCity!
    607 likes this.
  13. They were the first two that came up in my head.

    You can even talk about the original one here.
  14. I have.

    Got bored of it v.quick though,it's missing the element of realism.

    Same thing with freeplay.
  15. They said they'd add pools and the toddler phase in an update a month or two after release.
  16. I only read a short article on how outrage people were. Which were quite a bit, more so towards a pool
  17. I'm angry about losing toddlers mainly.
  18. I'm pretty mad about losing toddlers. They're one of my favourite life stages in the Sims games. The baby stage is pretty useless :p
  19. I agree with both of you, screw the pool! I want to teach my kid how to walk, talk, and poop!
  20. Technically Sims can only pee, since there's only a 'bladder' meter and no 'bowel' one. But who knows? Maybe they just have it all in one place, like a bird... That's kind of disgusting.
    Deadmaster98 likes this.